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RE: When I spend good time writing an article for no reason.

in #steemit8 years ago

Yes. And this post of mine was flagged simply because neoxian didn't like that I pointed out his absurd flagging of your post over a tag that you could not change - and that berniesanders already pointed out your error. So, now my rewards are wiped out for a completely unrelated post.

This is a good use of the flagging system?


This was exactly my concern with the situation. Not that I was flagged because reasons, but because others who committed no crime other than positively commenting on my article were subject to negative effects because of their opinion. That's fucked up and needs to be corrected.

I think neoxian just said it's cool for you to flag him back as much as you want, since he flagged you for something. That seems to be his best argument.

Fine, I give up, I've removed all my flags, including @kushfreeman . You now have free reign to spam and shit up a platform that I have 60000$ invested in. Happy now?

Nobody was spamming anything. And all of this could have been avoided and we could have spent our time on productive efforts several hours ago.

But thank you for removing the flags. As soon as I get enough voting power back, I'll remove the one from your comment.

Anyone can flag anyone as much as they want. I can't stop it.

"Anyone can flag anyone as much as they want."

I'm sorry that you actually believe this. And actually do this. As I said - people like you are what is wrong with platforms like this. If you think that this is appropriate behavior, then I suppose I'll encourage everyone to flag as much of your content as possible, since "you flagged me" apparently justifies any amount of flagging as a consequence.

Or would you rather revise your argument and correct what you have already done? You know...actually try to make this a quality platform and not act like a child? It's up to you. You have a lot more to lose than I do in all of this. I would think that you'd be a little more judicious.

No, it was because you flagged me.

Yeah. Your use of the flagging option was inappropriate. He's a new user and the tag was addressed by berniesanders already, who did NOT flag him.

So, in return, you flagged a post of mine from this morning that had nothing to do with any of it. You think that's appropriate? You are what's wrong with platforms like this.

Quit trying to paint yourself the victim, you flag someone, expect to get flagged back. End of story. Very simple.

Flagged back...on one comment perhaps. Not three comments and an entire unrelated post. That's just an asshole move, no matter how much you try to justify it.

Well I disagree, my flag was legit, and yours was absurd.

Even if you do believe that, you flagged three comments and an entire unrelated post. What don't you comprehend about that kind of flagging abuse?

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