„Blogging on Steemit will make you rich!“ - Better ideas to do STEEM marketing

in #steemit7 years ago

Source: Pixabay

Just some quick thoughts and questions on the topic of STEEM marketing and because I see many awesome projects popping up everywhere.
It seems as if more and more people are taking it into their own hands, paying for Google and Facebook ads as well as YouTube campaigns to bring STEEM into public awareness.

Taking STEEM marketing in our hands is a good thing, but...

Since we are not just using a blockchain, but we are the blockchain, this is generally a good thing. People taking responsibility for growth is awesome and benefits us all. But - and there is a but - I’m missing the signs from Steemit Inc. regarding marketing campaigns. I’m just hearing that they are powering down, that there are no developer updates and somehow I miss a clear roadmap. Maybe I’m not seeing it or following only those people, who also question the recent behaviour. What am I missing here?

How STEEM marketing is done at the moment and why this is a problem

I doubt, that marketing Steemit and the STEEM blockchain primarily with the „earning potential“ advantage over other social media (as it´s done at the moment) is the best way to go.
Let’s face it: Most people will get many 0 payout posts - doesn’t matter how „good“ their content is.
Their motivation will also go to zero in a very short time. Especially if you promise them huge payouts, that only very few people really get. So yes, earning with your posts definitely is possible, but should not be the first thing people are lured with - its simply not a sustainable marketing model and will backfire.

Better ideas and talking points for STEEM marketing

Here are some ideas and talking points, that would work better in getting people interested - especially since they are in public awareness anyway and don’t promise something, that no one can hold.

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Decentralization and DACs
  • Steemit is the first App on the new Web 3.0
  • "advertisement money is not going to a centralized authority"
  • Take back your power! Be heard and leave the herd!
  • Be part of the fastest growing community of independent thinkers that are here to change the world!
  • Experience the possibilities of the new internet, that was forming the past 2 years, while you were feeding Facebook with content that you should own!
  • Fast. Solid. Interactions that count.

I´m sure there are tons of better ideas, how to spread the word and make more people aware of we have here. Please let us do this in a way, that is down to earth and not hyping something, that will not have any solid ground.


yes hard work paid off

When trying to convince someone to join, I will mention your selling points first, but I'll always talk about the rewards system.

Thanks! I didn´t want to say to not mention the rewards system at all, but only put it into the right perspective.

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