Alfa-Enzo - serves to store your data

in #steemit6 years ago


The Internet in our time has become so popular that it is difficult to imagine. This is a mega huge network where, literally, there is absolutely everything. We, as its users, choose what we need in this network, we filter all possible variations and choose what we need and are interested in.

For many, it is no longer a secret that our data uses mega corporations and they do it to their advantage, and even use them as they please. Today, the Internet is no longer a secure network, and with any need, any data can be obtained in just a few seconds.

We are not just in an unsafe environment, we are also the subject of earnings. Yes, it is earnings. And they earn us all the same mega corporations, selling or using our data. Unfortunately, most people did not even realize it. But fortunately there is a solution from the Alfa-Enzo project, which is able to correct this situation and enable us, to earn on our data. Let's talk about this project in more detail:

What is this project?
Alfa-Enzo is a unique, decentralized platform that offers us to make money on our data, and not simply transfer them to some corporations, and even without our knowledge. Alfa-Enzo is able to protect our data, because the platform will be decentralized and built on blockchain technology.

The technologies used will allow the platform to be as secure as possible, and therefore our data, which will be there and bring us profit with success. Alfa-Enzo is not afraid of this word, an excellent prospect for passive income, because you will not make any effort, and your data will work for you.

Existing problems:
Already today, quite a large number of people have heard about the blockchain technology, but few can grasp the essence of this technology and even less understand how good this technology is and how it can radically change people's lives for the best.

Now, for the dissemination of this technology created a huge number of projects. They are trying to convey to people the importance and usefulness of this technology, but this is not possible for very few people, because there is no constant use of the technology itself. There are also a number of reasons for which it is difficult to introduce blockchain technology to the masses. And the problems are:

  • Failure to change:
    Most likely, the problem is in the slow rate of transactions. But most people are comfortable with it and they don’t want to change anything.
  • Ignorance:
    Many people either do not know or are afraid in any way to come across cryptocurrency. This is a huge problem that affects the popularization and cryptocurrency in general.
  • Lack of normal implementation:
    A very small number of platforms that allow to spend cryptocurrency. This is also a huge minus. This does not allow cryptocurrency owners to use them in full.

Alfa-Enzo solutions:
Alfa-Enzo is a unique opportunity for each user of cryptocurrency. It Alfa-Enzo creates a market for the purchase of various things for cryptocurrency. Imagine how profitable it is. After all, given to the whole opening, the social market will exclude third parties and accordingly will make the price of the product much less than on ordinary trading floors.

ICO details:
Token Name: NZO
Total tokens released: 21,000,000,000 NZO
Total allocated tokens for ICO: 12.600.000.000 NZO
Hardcap: $ 100,000,000 USD
Token price: 1 NZO = US $ 0.005
Accepted currency: ETH, BTC, LTC, FIAT, BCH, XRP, USDT
Minimum investment: 0.1 ETH as well as equivalent
KYC requirement: no

In the following image you can see the plans for the distribution of funds raised:


The project Alfa-Enzo is the project that provides its users with great opportunities. This project is very difficult to overestimate, because its significance is colossal. If you are looking for a company for a profitable investment, then Alfa-Enzo is the right company. Thank you very much for your attention, all the links you will find below. All the best, and remember: "your investment is your future."

The project team:

Links to the project:
Web site:
Whitepaper: https: //
Youtube: https: //

Article author: assyfa
Link to BTT profile:;u=1348503

Coin Marketplace

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