Trustlogics - For a better generation

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


About TrustLogics

TrustLogics strives to optimize the process of global relations in the labor market by creating a platform that ensures the protection of personal data in professional data and normalization of the needs of a proven employment profile industry. We want TrustLogics to improve the global recruitment industry's inefficiency of $ 428 billion for professionals and independent service providers. We are a direct application with more than 100,000 registered users and several partnerships.

TrustLogics is a new decentralized platform that functions cryptocurrency exchange, combining the development of the most advanced technology and the popular blockchain system that has proven itself as a complete provider of reliability and security. Cryptocurrency has truly revolutionized the international market soon after entering, immediately attracting many people, most of whom want to feel the benefits in practice. That is why cryptocurrency-based projects are now one of the most popular and have great development prospects, as well as investments in digital currencies.

In general, TrustLogics offers users a convenient trading opportunity on the exchange, as well as a unique cryptocurrency and freelance platform, where employers can find potential players and hire them by paying for jobs with cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and having TrustLogics system tokens . Centralized networks have long been a thing of the past due to the fact that they are not very convenient to use, do not provide constant access to information from different devices, and really do not guarantee security, systematization of information and security.

Decentralized TrustLogics system is a unique market structure consisting of networks available from a variety of different technical devices. This is very convenient for users and investors - passing a centralized location allows connecting anytime and anywhere in seconds. Thanks to the nature of the decentralized system, buyers get access to various cheap offers and the ability to directly conduct transactions with sellers without unnecessary actions, with guaranteed security and transparency of the process. Blockchain has established itself in many successful systems, has become the basis of a decentralized TrustLogics system, regulating profitable exchanges between participants.

It is important that each individual participant of the TrustLogics platform will have a copy of the data, which will protect against any type of fraud. TrustLogics tokens are easily and quickly transferred between participants as a guarantee of payment for services. Transactions are executed at any time, and can also be exchanged from cryptocurrency to fiat money directly in the user's wallet.

Platform Functions
Create Trusted Profile

Job seekers can find your personal and professional information with
check using a reputable building system (RBS).
Reduce the cost ratio with Peer-to-Peer

Employees can use colleagues who can offer suitable candidates for a job. We believe that this process reduces the time to hire suitable candidates and recruitment fees.

Independent provider assistance (ISP)

ISPs that are independent subcontractors who pay service websites to get contracts can use background checks and create digital portfolios along with reviews and assessments that eliminate intermediary / service websites. This will help reduce costs, various service requests, and increase profits from providers.

TrustLogics aims to develop a hybrid approach to the solution with the help of blockbusters: block private chains to store and retrieve data; and Block general chain for Transaction Notes. This approach helps us measure blocking solutions for hundreds of millions of users. The REST API wrapper is implemented above a closed block for Read and Write operations.

Current Core Partner Relationships:
AIESEC- allows managers to develop global practices in more than 127 countries.
Republic of Suriname - Republic of Suriname is a North-South American country with a population of more than 550,000 people. Republic of Guinea - Republic of Guinea is a West African country with a population of more than 12.3 million. Health policies are being developed to increase medical access for more than 920,000 people in Georgia.

Finding the work we like has never been easier, but with the advent of various digital tools, everything has improved. Now people can share their profiles with company management managers, whom they want to follow. Many job seekers undergo registration and verification processes on various sites. Many websites in the digital world have become data traders whose purpose is to collect as much data as possible and then sell it to advertisers. Pasar Set is one of the most profitable markets for data.

With the rise of industry fame, there have been job seekers from various recruitments soon to be bored of sites that claim to be suppliers of all ecosystem recruiting solutions. In the field of personnel selection, there are many problems, such as theft of data and personal data, lack of trust in reputation and keyword settings. The lack of various authentic tools needed to create the best talent in the domain is the most difficult task for the industry. Do you think that there are solutions to these problems in the industry?


Proposed Resolution

Trust Logic is a direct relationship between job seekers and prospective employers. It offers a platform for direct interaction between two companies in the HR industry. Based on Ethereum Blocking and Smart Contracts, this will be a global information warehouse for professionals working. Users can register on the platform and share their data with prospective employers through Smart Contracts. Platform Verification Network is an independent organization that provides Check services for job seekers on the platform and in turn receives Crypto currencies.

Official agents on the platform do the necessary background checks to ensure platform security. Job seekers can scan jobs on the phone in the App Store download application. Innovative features, such as the status of global availability and automatic synchronization, increase the application and acceptance of platforms in the advertising market. Candidates, evaluators and entrepreneurs are the three main participants on the platform.









This algorithm is used in platforms to build reputation management systems. Data protection is a serious problem for the platform and provides all platform users with the tools needed to protect your data. Blocking technology ensures transaction security on the platform. Users looking for work have full rights to access their data and determine the visibility of their profile on the platform.

Independent service providers can join the platform through the free API gateway on the platform. The decentralization of the advertising market brings back confidence and transparency in the industry. Employers will be able to find real candidates with proven and reliable experience suitable for work.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Bitcointalk ANN:
White book:

Author: assyfa
ETH: 0xCa53A32ab48cF8bA4eC4A494bA4e95ceC26Fe71d

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