💥Hello Steemit! I Am Back!💥

in #steemit6 years ago

Bon dia!
Guten Tag!

Hello to all my Steemit friends and friends I haven’t digitally met yet!

After a hiatus of two weeks! I am back on the steem blockchain!

And how happy I am to be back.

Yet it was so needed to have that lil break.


Firstly, I turned 28!


Quite a few people asked me if I old now, but the truth is, no I don’t.

I am not old for I am young in heart plus the older I get, the more I enjoy life so it’s a win-win kinda situation ey?

I spent my birthday hanging out at a wild stormy seaside town with the beloved by my side on a steem funded trip to Portugal.


It was gooood.

Secondly, I went on holiday to Lisbon!

And ate a whole damn lot of food.

Like OHMYGOD, I cannot believe the sheer volume of food that we consumed!

(For any vegans out there, Lisbon is a mega vegan-friendly city!)

The warmth of the sun not only warmed my bones but also brought relaxation to my heart and soul.

It was very much needed!

I was in a bit of a dark pickle before I left and a week of freedom, in the sun just gave me a lot of clarity and I was able to sift through the stuff I was facing and move into a way more loving, happy place.

I need to go on holiday WAY more often!

Thirdly, from having so much clarity, I really understand that a major shift has to take place in my life.

Especially around work, how I work and finances.

Now if you’ve read some of my previous blogs, you’ll know that I was looking forward to a life living from the blockchain and really being myself and not having to compromise it for anyone or anything.

This dream is now a very active goal and I am working on it daily!

For now, I am looking for a part-time blockchain based job and for more ways to spread my writing into the world via blockchain-based projects and networks.

Of course Steemit has my heart and I will be investing time on here.

Plus there is a HUGE project I am working atm.

I cannot reveal much right now but trust me, you will LOVE it!

I get all excited by the idea of telling you all cos it’s going to connect me to you even more and supply me with a life I believe in!


I am back!

I am inspired!

I am re-energized!

I am feeling good!

@humansofsteemit will be up and running again from next week onwards.

So if you wanna be featured, let me know!

Also, it's pretty funny to see that I surpassed the 1700 followers even though I was away and not posting!

So guys, know that I have missed you!

And I am already happy to be back on here.

How are you all doing?
What’s happening in your lives?
What new projects you working on?

I’d love to know.

Here’s to breaks to gain clarity.
Here’s to a new motivation and inspiration.
Here’s to you for being here.

BIG love,



Made by the wonderful @overkillcoin who is TOTALLY amazing and you should follow RIGHT now!


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


Welcome back^^

Thanks a bunch :)

Welcome back Ashley!! great to travel and rearrange your life while the blockchain goes through the FUD and naysayers hehe.

In the meantime I was busy writing more and commenting and just meeting more people in the blockchain.

I have removed some limitations I have set myself and in doing so have gotten to read more amazing people.

We missed you and happy to see Humans of Steemit to be back!

I'm just one discord message away for anything :)

I bet u are having a good time meeting ppl. And I have a good time making you drool with more food pics. LOL

That you do hahahaha

I've been following you around on Instagram and I'm so glad you're back here!

I noticed :)

Thanks deary!

Back here.
And still on insta! hehe


Welcome back lovely! Steemit has been quiet-ish, because of steem being down, so you really haven't missed much :) Glad you got some good downtime, excited to see what you have planned <3

Good to know!

Will you tell you next time we chat babe!!!

better get the pictures of your trip up on steemit then!

I'll have to steal the photos from my boyfriend.

I always forget to take pics and he is turning out to be a pretty good photographer.
aka Instagram Husband :P

aww.. he will allow for sure <3
can't wait =D

We all need that recharge every now and again. Definitely plan more holidays! My problem is that we try to pack so much in to our trips that they are physically and emotionally exhausting, and we come back needing a vacation to recover from vacation.

Interesting tease.... Huge project huh? Lots of people seem to have huge secret projects they are working on right now. Or maybe it is all the same huge project.... Hmmm...

Welcome back! Get to work! We expect great things from you young lady!!!

Yea a lot of people do that.
That is not a very relaxing holiday is it.
I think it's time you book a few days off at a spa hotel at some fancy beach place :)

Naaah its not the same project trust me.
I have no idea what other people are up to hahaha


Thanks for the encouragement dear Mike!
Chat soon! :)

PS. what are you working on atm?

Guess who's back! Back again! Ashley's back lalala xD welcome back n.n


I hear the song in my head


Holaaaa amor!

welcome back mate😂😂😂😂😂

Hello, a break to take a new air and resume the search for what we dream is the best way to make it all go well, so congratulations for your well-deserved vacation and good luck in what you want to undertake, life is for those who dream and fight to make those dreams come true, forward and happiness always.

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