You can only be yourself

in #steemit7 years ago


While I was looking today through the big pile of the content I suppose to scroll, read or at least pay 3/4 of a second to decide whether I am about to vote or not - I was thinking what a hell I am about to write myself.
All these posts look so interesting and enticing, so much better than anything I would write.
They, at the end of 2000 scrolled post, I just gave up. There is no way I can mimic somebody's else's style, topic or interest. There is no way it will work out. Not for me. other people sit on their desk, open the first accessible news page and just start - rewriting.

I have no nerves or energy. Maybe I would, I could if I was in the high school.
But I am no more a teen. I suppose to find my own niche, my own interest.
but, how can I do it, if everything looks the best? So, I will not. I will just continue being me and do everything.
After all, the world is made of everything and we have only one life to enjoy it.

A picture above is original graphic made by me ages ago in Photoshop.

Untitled design (3).png

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