Thanks for all your efforts

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I feel alone on this platform, with everyone else speaking a language I find incomprehensible("AAARRR poor widdle Dan-Dan")


I'm talking about the recent events going on behind the scenes at Steem HQ... Oh, my bad, I think I'm supposed to refer to the HQ as Steemit.Inc or "Stinc" as some of you have deemed fit to call them. Well, for the record, I'm not taking sides and that is for the same reasons as I'm writing this post.

The fact of the matter is that I don't fully understand what's happening with everything around here and nor do I want to. I never came here for the crypto and if truth be known I just stumbled here after I ostracised myself on FakeBook.
As it turned out, I was one of the lucky ones who witnessed the highest of highs, when 1 SBD was selling for over $12!! Fucking crazy times, I can tell you, and I really do hope we all get a re-run.

So, after being here for well-over a year, I find myself just as interested and eager to post, on what I've learned is a "Blockchain"... Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, this is about as far as my technical knowledge goes and after all this time I really do understand diddly-squat about how this wonderful site works.


For all I know, a "Node" could be something that grows out of my ass if ever I dared to power down too much and a "frontend", well, that could just be a immature euphemism for berniesanders we'little willy... To be honest, I haven't the capacity or the time to learn this new language and, anyway, I think I prefer my childish perception.

This isn't just down to laziness as it seems that those who do know better have been getting awfully serious lately and some of the more serious steemians have even down-tools and walked away!

corrupt kill.jpg

With my limited knowledge I find myself reading posts about Steem continuing without ned and then I read posts asking me to cast my vote on who I'd like to become the new leader(s) of the unfolding steem community. It's all "Witness this" and "decentralise that", every which way I turn, and it all just serves to put the proverbial willies up me.

So, for all those out there in steemland, like me, who just show up, sign the register, and carry on blogging because that's all they came here to do. On behalf of us all, I say a big thank you to all of you who are making the effort to keep Steemit alive. Whether you're trying to do this without ned and his guitar, or whether you're happy to cover yourself in stinc and stand toe-to-toe against the many keyboard warriors taking chunks out of anything that strums, I'm extending my heartfelt thanks to you all.



It's an honour to be part of this crazy circus and I put my trust in those who have educated themselves enough to understand the real meaning of "nodes", "blockchains", "frontends", "Steem" "Steemit.Inc", the cost involved and all the other mind-boggling things I'd prefer to ignore. You're all a wacky bunch of freaks and although I don't share your passion for all the techno-drama, I do love and share your passion to see this community succeed.

So I'm more than happy to leave all the technical stuff to you folks and I hope it all works out without anyone getting wedgied, wet-willied, nipple-twisted or generally fucked over. As for me, I'll always be here, blogging away about my progressive photography talents, or lack thereof. Or I'll just be writing random shit like this, because I'm halfway through a roll of 35mm camera film and don't want to vanish from the radar in the meantime.

All the best and thanks to those who bothered to read this post. Steem on my friends, steem on...



Nicely said @article61, it is not often I read posts on steemit anymore as I haven't got the time, but yours my friend I try and find time to read.

I am with you on everything you have put up in your post. fuck the mellow dramatics, fuck all the haters and fuck anyone who is out to rip apart something that was once so great.

Like you, I come here to blog, like you I left facebook, I left facebook because of all the drama there too.

I love steemit. I have no clue what a blockchain is, and I really don't care what one is anymore.
I am not packing my bags and leaving I am standing strong in this crazy world of fish.

Steem on my friend steem on....

Thanks mate and I too try to make time to read your blogs. Not many folk take your angle on posting and there aren't many who put in as much work as you do. Enjoyed reading your delivery stories and I'm hoping your take-away venture comes good too.

Cheers buddy,
I try my best. I have self taught myself how to use a computer, I mean typing, I've always been able to play them haha. and porns always there at a click of a button.
I still spend time on here it is just not as much time as I would like.
I have to sleep haha.

And the battle is real lol.

What's happening me old mucca! Yes, it's very real indeed. I was reading one of your post the other day and was shocked to see the behaviour of a resident whale. Hence why I've had to switch off from all the drama, otherwise I'd be going bat-shit. If that was my flesh and blood he spoke of like that, I'd be hunting him down. Hope you're well my friend :)

An entertaining and honest read right there; fair play my friend!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad you liked it @ashtv. I was going to put my hand up to help you with your promo video but I'm a little too far away from you and besides I have no experience in front of the camera. Hope you've found someone to help you along with it.

Cheers man, all good. Yeah I found some people to be on camera in the end :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad to hear that and good luck with your idea.

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

That's put a big smile on my face at the end of a rather frustrating day, thanks buddy!

You are welcome.

I read it to aaaall the way to the end. I see myself in it. Without being a year here I came to blog about my passion. Photography and with that light painting. Nonetheless I need to fit into a socioeconomic environment that is new to me. It's highly technical and without a mentor next to you it seems hard at times. I do get some support but man I understand you exactly. Without the high valued steem. I just joined :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks buddy and glad it struck a cord with you :) Starting out on steemit can seem tough but it really is worth persevering, I am living proof of the fact. I love the different communities on here but also like to do my own thing and stay independent in my curation. This way seems to enable me to read articles more thoroughly and not get lazy with auto-votes(not that that is a bad thing as I appreciate anyone who puts me on their upvote bot). Good luck on the platform and I wish you all the best for the future!

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