
At the moment, SBD is worth more than Steem and they're both above a dollar - SBD = $4.40 and Steem = $3.50. So the conversion rate of Steem to SBD is around .8, 1 Steem buys you .8 of an SBD or 1 SBD buys you 1.25 Steem.
Unfortunately, the internal market doesn't always accurately reflect the external market for this pair and if you go to your wallet, click the little down arrow next to Steem and select Market, you'll find that the internal market is around .9 SBD to 1 Steem.
So, you're getting 1.11 Steem for every SBD. Your 50/50 worked. Trade them in the market whenever you like. Or, as the graphs show that Steem is not rising as quickly as SBD, you may want to wait and see whether you can get .8 or .7
Your call.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 68905.09
ETH 3808.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.48