Chickens, Garden and Steemit!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Last evening while weeding and thinning out my herb and vegetable gardens, I couldn’t help but think how Steemit has changed many of our lives.

I came upon Steemit 11 months ago through a friend who has been dabbling and doing extremely well through crypto. I read as much to understand this amazing platform. I had been off Facebook for a while so I was still being a tad cautious.
Earning zero on my first posts to a couple of cents didn’t discourage me as I saw it as being more than the zero I was earning on social media. Another plus was mostly everyone on Steemit was genuine and it was easier to come across people I could relate to and establish friendships with such as @vermillionfox, @stackin (who celebrated a milestone) @bleedpoet, @tarotbyfergus, @mother2chicks and @kommienezuspadt ~ people who I’ve never we met in real life ( hope to) but who are kind, interesting and just plain awesome!

Steem has helped many homesteaders grow, even backyard gardeners such as @karenb54 and @aunt-Deb get their gardens jump started.

Steem has even helped my chickens! When I’ve cashed out here and there not only have I upgraded my spa equipment for my small business, bought my son’s books for college, but have been able to feed and pay for my chickens and dogs vet visits!

I am extremely thankful for the ways Steemit has helped my family and I....
& the way I have seen others do awesome things with their earnings too!

From @bleedpoets IPad purchase to @kommienezuspadt pursuing his dream of doing comic books and publishing his awesome coffee table book “Dark Pinup” through another fellow Steemians company @wcpublishing
Wouldn’t you say we are all doing awesome?

When you are thinking of giving up ask yourself, what has Facebook done for me? Exactly!

Hugs to my Steemit tribe and STAY STEEMIT STRONG!

What has Steemit done for you?

Throw some crypto my way!





If it weren't for Steemit, I'd never have gotten to know such a sweet friend! You always have an encouraging word and an a positive outlook that makes life a little brighter. That's priceless!

My darling friend, you’ve been sweet since day one how could I not aknowledge that!💜

Love your garden. Lots of beautiful plants. I see three dogs and two chickens. I assume you have more chickens?

Thank you! I had more but the coyotes took the others :(

woohoo yay for steemit allowing for upgrades here and there, that's awesome! congrats :) I hope I can stick with it to be able to do the same at some point.

I know you will! Stick with it and you will see, I promise!
It’s all about patience, commitment and building your tribe 💜

It is crazy how steemit cna change people's lives. Recently, steemit helped fund me buying my ducklings and helped me buy a playhouse for my daughter. Without this place that wouldn't have been possible. I love your chickens. They're so pretty.

Aww friend, isn’t it beautiful to be able to do these extra things! Hugs to you and your family and cheers to keep Steem going!

My dear sweet BSF, I feel so honored to call you my Friend.❤️
Your presence here has been so positive and uplifting to myself and so many others. I feel so naughty, didn’t mean to seem like a bad friend, I had Carpel Tunnel Surgery on my right hand. It went well, the left one gets done in August. My beloved has been posting during my absence😉 encouraged by ol googley👀. I lol’ed at the “pasties” comment you left!
Much love and hugs to you. We are of the same tribe and thank goodness for Steemit bringing us all together.

Xoxo xoxo!
Sweet friend, I wish you a speedy and smooth recovery, please don’t hire Googley’s CNA services. I don’t think that woman washes her hands or knows the difference between an oral or rectal thermometer lol

Hooray for Steemit, hooray for friendships made here and May we all prosper!💜

Glad you found a place here Franny.💙

💜and I’m glad we got the chance to meet on here mon ami💜

Thank You for the mention sweet lady :)

You were one of my first friends on here, you have always been sweet and genuine and I appreciate you for that💜

Its been a pleasure getting to know you :)

You are so right...I am pretty stingy posting on Facebook anymore, thinking exactly what you said, "what has Facebook done for me?" And you have happy chickens! Way to go! Steem on! :)

Exactly! And the posts on here seem to be a lil more interesting!

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📉 24h📉 7d
BCHBitcoin Cash1018.590$-12.86%-20.3%
ETCEthereum Classic15.161$-11.12%-13.66%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63665.23
ETH 2621.19
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77