Don't Be a Moron

in #steemit7 years ago

I flagged my first comment today.

I'm not sure if I have been super fortunate on Steemit, or if it's because I hang with good peeps, but I had my first really bad comment just now. And I've been here 4 months!

I am a big believer in free speech. No-one should ever be afraid to differ in opinion.

But, there's a line that should never be crossed.

Don't attack people. Period. There is no reason or call for it. We are all here to share our knowledge and gain more through the wonders of this amazing community. There is no need to attack your fellow Steemitzens, or be vulgar and disgusting in their comments. Period.

It only serves to make you look like an uneducated, self loathing moron.

I truly hope that was my first and last flag. I love my community and want to see us each grow and flourish. People like you are unwanted. Please leave and go hit up your local anger management anonymous meeting. It would be a great benefit to you and all those you will meet.

Don't be a moron. There is no vacancy in my life or Planet Steemit for the likes of you.

I welcome all respectful conversations! I do not care if your thoughts differ from mine, just *be nice

Be well my friends, and have a wonderful weekend :)

Much love! Muah!
Follow me for serious, dramatic, thought provoking, fun, humorous, satirical, made up, all true, interesting, mesmeric, educational, positive, beautiful, not so beautiful, memoir, coaching, advice, a shoulder, or just because you are curious what it's like to know the one, the only Word Dominatrix ;)

buttons upvote resteem.gif


Boy, these idiots think it's open season on the rest of us.

Having a bad, and badmouthing president, they think they have license for this vulgarity. It is a very sad state we are in.

I know, right? This is the first hatred I have been a part of on Steemit, which is amazing for how long I've been here! But I've noticed so much hate speech all over lately. It's a real shame

Nice one - I can relate.
Super helpful!

Lol, well, one good thing about how Steemit is set up is that morons don't last long.

Steemit. We pay for positivity.


I don't normally approve of flagging, but I see your point. There is a way to respectfully disagree and hold an agreement. More power to you girly! Btw, I miss you! <3

Me either! He was just disgusting and vile. No need for it!

I miss you lovebug!!!

Kids these days acting out so unnecessary. do you think the flag made a difference?

When he commented he was a rep 20. My flag brought him down to rep 19. So, yes :)

Sounds like he has been flagged a few times. Silly kid!

It makes you wonder- what are they thinking?!!

Seriously, is it not obvious that respect in some form should occur!

I'm sorry for offending you..... :P Hahaha. Anyways, hope the comment didn't ruin your day cause you're amazing!

Oh no! It wasn't you! It was that nasty guy on my Mothers post.

Lol, Ok, I had to re read that ;)

No, it didn't. I know he's just a sad little man who created a pathetic life for himself so he has to try and destroy others...

Went to check the comment he made... I'm like.... wow... how could someone just say things like that. That's definitely not the way to get a point across... at least be tactful.

Right? Ug, people like that give me the creeps. He probably is just jealous because he can't even find a woman, much less make one a mother.. lol, not with a mouth like that!

It's okay, Toxic people will be toxic. Let's move on :)


OMGGGG!!! How could I have overlooked that...

Oh my goodness! You are amazing!!! Thank you so much <3

But, can I ask you a huge favor? Put an r after the t in arbitrary? I would really appreciate it :)

No worries hun! Thank you so much! I love it! I will be using it as a banner in some posts here... :)

Thanks again, you rock!

So far, I managed to avoid that. I do however get the ocassional spam. I actually had someone friend me on Facebook just to private message me a link to upvote them 😀At least they were nice about it 😊 Much success to you✌🏾

Oh, that's funny!!!

Well said. You were right to flag that.

Haters need to go over to reddit where they belong ;)

Damn right!

There is absolutely no call to be disrespectful. Ever. I'm kind of green, so I am curious. Under what circumstances should we flag? I'm assuming bad behavior? And plagiarism?

If you are positive it's plagiarism, yes. I've never had the need to, but this repulsive guy attacked single mothers with some very vile language. Totally out of the blue. I didn't hesitate to flag him

Good. And do you know what occurs when you flag someone? I assume they get reviewed and/or monitored and if it's a chronic issue they get the boot.

You know how you start with 25 rep points? The guy in question had 20. So obviously I am not the only one he offended. A flag is like a reverse upvote. So after I flagged him his rep went down to 19.

If you get flagged by a whale your rep is destroyed! lol

There are some citizens working diligently on that end here.

This is very heartening. There's real incentive on Steemit to be at least cordial, at a minimum, and to contribute positively to the community. And it's good to know that really bad behavior costs people.

Totally agree
The great steemit community - and basic respect for the opinions of everyone here - is why this works.

And you know what, one of the intentions of the blockchain was to make this a space where trolls fear to tread.


Respect. Exactly. It's not difficult ;)

I've flagged a couple copy-pasters... I hate when I spend hours creating something only to see somebody else plagerize another hard working writer. Probably won't be my last either. And you are right... there is no room for uglyness!

Exactly. Yes, no need to copy! There's people on here who take photos- that's easy even lol. Well sortof. Anyone can take a photo, but it is hard to take a stellar one sometimes. Especially when you work with animals... lol... How's that for me going way off down the trail? ;)

You'll find your way back, I'm sure of it.

Like your animated kitty on your page. How/where did you find it? Thanks.


I made it here

Feel free to flag more liberally; shitposts, attacking people, zero-value comments, begging for follows or votes, any of it!

If the site would be better off without it, flag it.

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