Steemit all the way - Facebook is fading
It is a common wish here on Steemit to see this platform succeed and overtake Facebook. Well, there definitely is progress in that direction and Facebook may be its worst enemy.
Facebook is now facing a 24% decline in time spent on its site per person.
Their overhead is exploding. They hired 14,000 censors to regulate community safety. Said in other words censor content.
That number is expected to reach 20,000 by the end of the year.
They are faced with increasingly expensive regulation, especially in Europe.
They are faced with a backlash from users due to their increased censorship.
Insiders have sold large amounts of shares recently.
Let’s help along. Build Steemit, leave Facebook.
Full disclosure: I never had, I don’t have NOW, and I never will have a Facebook account. That entire platform just rubs me the wrong way.
Live well
Do good
Die strong
I deactivate my account and not plan to go back to this crappy social media.
A good step.
Unfortunately, everything you gave them has already been monetized with no benefit to you.
I know, the owner of the company is greedy!
And so are the paymasters .gov three letter word entities that buy their data
Yea, after I joined Steemit, I found my interest in facebook decline rapidly. I hardly ever visit my account anymore. Much more fun to be rewarded for your efforts over here on Steemit!
Millions will do the same as you.