My Love Story - How I Just Fell In Love With A Bot Named @cheetah

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I love original content. I believe Steemit's success for the future lies in original content. However, in the past few weeks I have had a very hard time finding original content in the constant stream of plagiarism. It gets tiring, wanting to upvote new posts that you really like but then having to double check via google every time whether or not its been plagiarized. Just now, I was scrolling through the "new" page, trying to curate some good original content. I clicked on this article and scrolled down to the comments section to find this surprise from @cheetah:

Hi! I am a robot. This post is to help manual curators; I have NOT flagged you.
I have however detected potential plagiarism in your post, from this source:
Please try to refrain from copying articles to Steemit. Even if one links the source, this is still considered plagiarism and can end up in a DMCA notice being sent. You may also be downvoted and added to a downvote bot's list if your account does this repeatedly.
If I am correct, please edit your above post to only link to the article, then provide your own original thoughts on it.
NOTE: I am too dumb to tell if you are the author, so ensure you have proper verification in your post for human curators to check!

I am so excited that there are users making bots to check for plagiarism. I am not saying that there are no flaws with @cheetah. It could hurt some writers that post their legitimate work that they have published previously on another site. However, I am saying that we are taking steps in the right direction for protecting the integrity of Steemit and creating a more honest online community. So here is a public thank you to the creator of this bot!

edit: any SD that I make from this post will go to @anyx for making Cheetah. Also you can find @anyx's original article about Cheetah here:


That's actually awesome! I love how Steemit is evolving and becoming more and more refined. So far, I think the war on spam is being won. The cream is rising to the top. This took Google YEARS to do. Impressive!

That's cool, I'm all for spammers getting caught. It does worry me slightly though because I might get that comment due to the fact that occasionally I repost articles from my other blogs, here on Steemit. Hope the community doesn't see this comment and automatically downvote without checking it out first.

Great post ●‿●
Some users like and dislike bots on steemit.

I agree this is great!! Great bot!

Cheetah seems to be a good bot! Even more often than the average human, they can be wrong, and Cheetah acknowledges that. I'm generally fine with bots but I will judge each according to their own merits. So far, I think Cheetah is doing a good job at the thing it was created to point out -- plagiarism!

Thanks for writing this, and I look forward to seeing what others comment about the Cheetah bot.

Bots ftw! Unless they are called @wang.

Original content is the life blood of Steemit. Thank you for this and your other original posts. Can't wait to see how Cheetah can help keep Steemit clean from copy/paste crap.

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