Some notes on the steemit sign up process...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Signing up to steemit meant overcoming a few hurdles. The first and most annoying hurdle occurred in stage two, the sms confirmation.

In this stage of the registration process we first select a country code from a drop down list, then we type our number. The example for the latter shows the number without a preceding 0 or a preceding country code. So, assuming the country code was automatically appended I entered my number without the code or a preceding 0. This simply resulted in a error saying the sms couldn't be sent. Trying again informed me I had to wait 2 minutes. So I waited and tried again, same error. I tried a few times, with and without the preceding 0, just in case. Eventually I gave up, thinking maybe it was a bad time, or a temporary bug.

I tried again the next day. Same problem.

Only on the third day did it actually occur to me to try adding +44 to the number. Then it worked. Kind of. The confirmation page seemed to double up the 44 into 4444, but I did receive the sms, so there is some inconsistency in the code that needs fixing there. After that sign up went relatively smoothly.

I hope this bug report is of some use.


I guess I was lucky it went smooth in my case and I got the code within a minute. Hopefully it will be like that for new people who join the platform.

Thanks for your feedback! How did you hear about Steemit?

My wife, who has yet to sign up but will shortly, found it whilst searching for decentralised alternatives to regular social media.

Smart choice of companion :)
I'll follow you so that I get to hear from this forward thinking lady when she gets a chance to create her own account. Welcome to Steemit and good luck to you both! Make sure to check out the recently released alternative to Steemit too, , you already have an account there. Some people like it better because it looks more like Facebook, less of a learning curve for FB users.

@danavarahi is an amazing woman. We used magic to find each other. That was nearly 9 years ago.

please tell that story! I love magick!

Okay. I'll make sure both @danavarahi and I tell our sides of that story here at some point. :)

Correction, my wife is @dana-varahi. o.O

Correction. My wife is actually on steem as @dana-varahi :P

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