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RE: 100 days & 1,000 followers later - The wake up call I had today

in #steemit7 years ago

OH damn I just went through your blog and you are right you are very underrated my friend. I started following you, I might not be able to see everything you do and upvote it but whenever I see something I like count me in with my 20 cents hahaha

Exactly! People do not care to respond comments, most of them just post and let it be, they dont engage... and after that they ask themselves why they are not having success...


I agree. I always try to engage the community. There are so many fascinating people in here. I am glad to have met you!

Over the last month, I got too caught up in writing and not visiting other's blogs. I started to lose the sense of interaction and my viewership definitely declined because of it. I just followed both @anomadsoul and @jetblake, because I am looking for people that generally want to interact and produce good content.

As for milestones, they are relatively meaningless. I'll likely hit 1,000 followers this week, but what sort of accomplishment is that when I regularly only talk with 20 or so followers. It's a hollow number. I won't be doing anymore celebration posts myself. Keep on grinding boys, success is around the corner...sarc/

I agree. I am at 500 followers but only talk to the same 10 or so such as yourself. I wonder how many are bots or foreigners that think just by following they will magically make money or something.

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