How to Build Your Audience on Steemit (the brutal truth)

in #steemit7 years ago

This was one of my most popular posts here on Steemit. And since it is still relevant and I gained so many new followers recently (thanks everyone- appreciate all of you) I thought it is worth bumping it up for those who will not see this since it is buried way below.

 If you'd like to hear the audio version of the post please click here.

Otherwise - please read on.

I am not a Steemit pro. I have not been in here for a long time and there is a lot that I still have not figured out. As oppose to other social media platforms, not many know me. At the same time it is hard to figure out how to become visible on Steemit. How to make sure that people know that I exist and read and upvote my stuff...

Sounds familiar? 

Maybe yes, because you are in my shoes here on Steemit... or maybe yes because it's almost the same on any other social media platform (although we all know that Steemit is so much better, right?

Since I always prefer the brutal truth to a sugar coated lie... I do tell the truth most of the time too (and maybe that is why many people don't like me).

Today I want to talk to you about something that you may not like to hear. Many people prefer not to tell you this. Many people prefer to pretend this is not the case. But I need to tell you this anyway. So you are able to look at things realistically. So you avoid being disappointed because you had unrealistic expectations.

Here is the truth:

Building an engaged and loyal audience takes time and loads of content creation.

Of course all those who advertise the attractive “have quick results” model pretend that it’s not the case. You get “write a book in a day”, create an online course in a week, grow your brand in a month type of messages all the time. 

And of course that’s much more exciting than what I said. It sounds so much better than my “it takes time and work and you have to be persistent and patient” story.

I get that. I totally understand. But nevertheless, I prefer to tell you the bitter truth than the sugar coated lie.

I was walking in the city the other day and went to Covent Garden. Usually there are many different street performances out there - from music to magic tricks and stuff. And since I love watching people I took some time and stuck around for a while. So I ended up seeing how one of the performers, who had the largest crowd gathered around him finished for the day. He said good bye, gathered his last portion of applauses, bowed, packed his stuff and left. Obviously the crowd too, melted out and after few minutes there was no one around.

Few minutes later, a slim guy with long hair came and started setting up his mic and took out his guitar. Now it was his turn to start performing. So there was this guy all alone with his guitar and mic standing there. I realized that probably that’s exactly how we look when we are just starting. We have no audience, we have the tools, we have not created anything yet and we get those uncomfortable fear of failure, self doubt and vulnerability of being judged. And the people - un our case the audience, pass by going to watch someone else performing because he already has a big crowd gathered around him therefore he must be good, right?

So what happens next. 

Yup… the guy starts playing his guitar and singing his song. Did everyone run and gathered around him immediately? Nope… It took quite a while.

For at least 2 full songs the guy was standing there, singing to no one. All by himself, creating his magic. He was not noticed yet, he did not have anyone to perform for yet… but he kept playing.

That’s what happens to us too… we write blog posts, record podcast episodes, do videos, lifestream… and for weeks nothing happens. We feel like we are talking to ourselves. We feel invisible, unknown, unappreciated. At some point we are like “why the hell am I doing this, no one cares anyway”, right?

So what happened to the guy?

Well after a while few people came and stood to listen, then some more… after the songs they started clapping, few others paid attention and joined. After a while he got traction and gathered a pretty decent audience.

Do you see the parallel?

The guy showed up, took the courage to put himself out there, created his music, persisted even though no one paid attention for a while, kept going on and only after all that things started moving.

What would have happened if he gave up after song 1?

Yup, nothing…

It’s the same with us. 

We have to realize that there are others who do similar things out there already, that no one is going to notice us from day 1, that we need to create awesome content consistently until people start gathering around us and that we need to stick around and do our best not to give up even when we think no one care…

Because honestly...

No one will care in the beginning.

But that’s ok. That’s how things are. Even the person who eventually fell in love with you did not care about you at your first encounter.

Building and maintaining good quality relationships take time and effort. And that’s what you ultimately need to have - a good quality relationship with your audience.

So don’t get distracted with all the shiny objects that promise you many subscribers, readers and listeners in a week.

Think long term and think quality instead.

As I said building an engaged and loyal audience takes time and loads of content production.

So accept that fact and do your best.

Oh, and you'd like to help me become visible in here - please re-steem!

What about you? How are you growing your audience in Steemit?


Thank you for that I'm a newbie (3 weeks) & it does feel like I'm being ignored a bit I have followers but not getting enough comments & upvotes so just trying to be patient & avoiding all the get rich quick schemes on here. I try & post my own thoughts & musings so at least it's original content & engage in other peoples posts to try & pick up a few followers like that. I'm staying with posts that are on my wavelength or interest so at least I know I am making sense when making replies & upvotes too. I don't see the point of upvoting posts that I don't relate with as when they look at my posts there won't be that magnetism of having something in common with the original author. It's a slow grind for sure but hopefully softly slowly catchee monkey. If I can get a following that are interested in my posts then the only way is up.

I went and looked through your feed - I noticed that you had a lot of pictures with one or two sentences of text. I'd recommend writing longer, more thought-out pieces as this is generally what attracts people to follow you. People on steem like to see that you've put effort into your posts because these are the kind of posts that provide value to the sight.

Thank you for taking a look I try to vary it my earlier posts were longer with no pics & they got nothing so tried to change it to see if it would work. I have to find a happy medium.

Love this analogy @anialexander ! Have you been able to put any video or voice recordings on Steemit? I was going to look at this Dtube thing I've heard tell of.

D.Tube excites me because it's competition for YouTube. I haven't figured it out yet, though.

I think it is not so crowded so easier to stand out!

yup - have few videos on Dtube... but seems like I have lost access to my account on there...(

@anialexander I don't think you can lose access to Dtube. Your key to login in within Steemit. 1 minute video show you how

This is the truth that no one likes to hear because it requires diligence and work. You can be the most talented writer on Steemit, but if you don't put in the effort to gain followers and post consistently, you won't yield results from it.

exactly - many look at successful people here on Steemit and think that it's been an overnight success or just pure luck.. duh!

That just means that it's two different sets of skills. Nothing wrong with that, but building an audience is a slightly different skill set from providing content.

Hmmm.Nice technique to get followers

I'm so glad that you've stuck around to build your audience here. It is really an amazing site with a diverse audience. I'll be here 2 years in July and I'm very proud of that achievement. If I can do it anyone can! It takes a lot of time and care but it is possible.

yes - as @andrarchy told me on our interview - "it is possible but it is not easy!" :)

Very useful post, very good advices. Thanks a lot)

Some good tips. I used to blog on other platforms and it's true that they are all about SEO tricks and the amount of followers you get. It's not geared towards encouraging quality content creation, even though ultimately content is king regardless.

Steemit was designed for quality but it will be very hard to see this in the beginning. Looking at the metrics I have, I seem to still get more traffic on other platforms, but already monetising Steemit seems more earnest than trying to get people to click on adverts.

One of the most successful Steemit people I follow just posts his holiday snaps from visiting game farms. Short, sweet, and people love to see it!

to me personally, it is not about numbers. Yes, I have a bigger audience on other platforms - but it is not about how many people follow you - it is more about how many from those who follow actually care

Precisely. And they won't care if it's just mutual following to get more followers to get more.

I am far more comfortable posting on Steemit as opposed to posting on platforms where you're providing content for free and they monetise it or they use you as a marketing link. At least with Steemit, everyone is a stakeholder. I don't care about followers here, but I am looking for content providers that post on topics that interest me. The whole approach is different.

agree... I somehow feel safer here. Seems to be a cosy place with no hostility like in other places

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