An easy way to develop self discipline...

in #steemit6 years ago

The key to reaching any goal in life, rests in the level of self discipline we have.

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Whether we want to wake up earlier in the morning, get in better shape physically, learn something mentally, improve our communication skills, or become a better parent, friend, partner and human being overall, we need self discipline to get there. In short, it is the root from which all genuine progress in life grows.

The problem, however, is we live in a world that is full of enticing distractions that are sabotaging most of us. In fact, most people can't even leave their phones alone for 5 minutes without becoming anxious and antsy. As a result, the overwhelming majority of us never seem to make any real progress towards our goals and dreams in life, and we invariably feel like we are overwhelmed and stuck in the mud.

The good news is, discipline is like a muscle, in the sense that the more you work it out, the stronger it will become. And, like someone that is very out of shape, if you know your discipline right now is weak, just start off with small easy exercises and slowly your discipline will become stronger. Until eventually you can start challenging yourself in bigger ways.

The easiest way to start doing this is to look for small tasks you know you should do, but don't like to do, and just force yourself to do them. This can be something as simple as doing your dishes as soon as you get done eating or making your bed when you wake up first thing in the morning. You see, by teaching ourselves to do this every single day, we train our brains to stop procrastinating and just do what needs to be done, regardless of whether we enjoy doing it or not.

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Another way to approach this, is by creating a schedule that aligns with the bigger goals we want to achieve. If you want to get in better shape, for example — but know that you lack discipline — you can start off small, by writing down a time every single day that you will go for a 15 - 30 minute walk. Then, you do this every single day whether you feel like it or not, because by doing this you train your mind to be self disciplined and adopt new habits.

So remember, whatever your goal is, what's gonna take you there is self discipline. If you focus on strengthening it, your goals will be achieved as a natural result, but if you obsess over the goals and neglect your discipline, you will never achieve anything.

Start small, do it every single day — whether you feel like it or not — and in time your self discipline will grow. As a result, your bigger goals will become realistic and attainable. As the saying goes, those who move mountains, begin by carrying away small stones. Today, just focus on carrying away some stones.

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