@anyx Time to put your @cheetah on a leash. Or shoot it.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I have NEVER been this angry about a situation I have no control over. Today I was "upvoted" by a bot. This bot is well known. The @cheetah bot. It is designed to detect plagiarism and it picked up one of my posts!

"Well good," you might be thinking. And I would agree. I have no time for plagiarism nor sympathy for plagiarists. So what is the issue? Well, the issue is, I plagiarised absolutely nothing in the post. I quoted an article from a local paper that was relevant to my post, indeed, central to it. I cited my source (The Canberra Times), linked to the original article and delineated the quote by use of the >indent system recommended.

And then, seconds after uploading the post, @cheetah comes along and says it found similar content, and referenced exactly the article I had referenced. Yeah it was similar, it was fucking identical because it was the same article!!!

Now, I had seen @cheetah noting this on a couple of other posts, and had read the FAQ about this bot, so was not terribly concerned about it, until another user gave me the following comment:-

vinamra (34) · 6 hours ago

Hey, as I can see you are also some what new to steemit.
And I got this too @cheetah , next time don't just copy all the things, instead just try to write in your own words. That will help you, you can do better.

Reply andyfishman (46) · 6 hours ago

?Um, no. I actually cited my source, and used the recommended style to denote the quote. So I was not plagiarizing in the least. All the other stuff is my own original work. That article is the one I have quoted, and referenced, and linked to in the post.

vinamra (34) · 5 hours ago

Better luck next time than....👍

andyfishman (46) · 5 hours ago

Luck has nothing to do with anything. THIS IS MY OWN WORK! I am really pissed off about this.

I do not plagarise and have no sympathy for those who do. To have you think that the article is not my work is to strip me of the recognition that is mine for the work.

And that pissed me off. So much so I had to wait a while before making this post or it would have just been expletives followed by curses.


I am well and truly pissed off at this false and baseless notification.

It is not good enough to have a bot note plagiaristic content. They are bots, not humans. They cannot differentiate. If you are so arse twisted about plagiarism, try manual curation after the bot notes a post to you. Do not allow the bot to fuck with people and their reputations and posts and then cop out by saying it does not matter if you receive a notification, IT MATTERS!!!

People pay attention to these things and at least one user is now under the impression I copied a piece of work I put a lot of time, years of experience and a lot of effort into getting right. So...


Then, when going to the suggested @steamcleaners chat, I see one suggestion being, "Just upvote the other comments so the cheetah is at the bottom", what the actual fuck? I have to use my limited voting power to upvote comments to try and hide this shit so as to try and deceive people??? No way! This is a cop out for bullshit that should not occur.

I am calling you out @anyx. Clean up your own act. Get your bot under control. I do not have the power to flag you or to take you on in a flagging war, downvote you or anything else. So I put the onus on you. Get your fucking piece of shite bot under control or I will raise hell in my posts about this bot until something is done about it. I have never plagiarised, and never been accused of it until now. As I said, IF ONLY ONE USER IS DECEIVED INTO THINKING MY WORK IS NOT MY OWN, OR THAT I HAVE COPIED ANOTHER'S WORK, YOUR BOT IS AT FAULT. FIX IT!!!


Noted....whoever is in charge of that bot should reconfigure it so that it will not continue to falsely accuse hardworking steemians of committing an offense they didn't commit in the first place

@anyx is responsible.

I feel you. So frustrating, but sadly just as common in real life.
I won't patronise you by offering advice!

Advice is not patronising, it is helpful. You can take it or leave it. And I always consider advice given. What is patronising is the assumption, that once given, advice will be followed. Advice can only be offered, not enforced.

Good point. However, you already did the right thing, so I'd just be reiterating and that would be patronising! Also, saying don't stress about it, when I know I'd probably react the same way, but keep it bottled up.

Oh, btw. Have you seen the latest meme challenge pic? There are a couple more days left if you wanted to give it a shot.

Sorry about haunting your blog, but I agree. This is a completely unfair situation and shows some serious flaws with the cheetah bot.

No need to apologise, I love to meet new people and a single comment does not engender conversation.

Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post....
Carry on next
Best of luck..
I will still wait for your next post....

Screenshot-2018-2-1  andyfishman1.jpg

And then there is this shit!

Like you said, you have no control over the situation.
Maybe there are better things to focus your energy on, like the things you can control?

People who regularly read your posts shouldn’t be put off by a cheetah upvote lol and 1-2 weeks from now perhaps nobody will care at all (besides you?).

I care now, bugger 2 weeks from now. And as I noted, one member has already made the assumption that the entire post is plagiarised and recommended "next time don't just copy all the things, instead just try to write in your own words."

I worked hard on that post, and years of experience and aquired knowledge of my own went into writing it.

Sure I could just forget it, until it happens next time. Or to someone else, like a photographer I follow who got linked to his own gallery and someone made a comment about not showing other peoples work without credit. So yeah, it matters. To me and every other user of this site.

Well best of luck with whatever outcome you are trying to achieve with this.

I have no outcome in mind other than fair play. I wrote an article, it was noted by this bot and at least one, who knows how many have not commented, user is left with the impression it is plagiarised work. SO, in addition to being blamed for stealing someone elses work, my work has in turn been stolen!

Yeah seems fair, surely there is a better way to go about calling out real plagiarists..

Lol. My other hobby is painting miniatures. Maybe I'll get flagged for using a GW model next eh?

Hopefully not then I’ll be screwed too!

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