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RE: My Journey Peeling back the Economic Layers of the Steemit Onion...

in #steemit8 years ago

Great post homey. Definitely helped further my own understanding of this endeavor. It's amazing how intuitive the value is, we find ourselves being fascinated by this thing despite not fully understanding, at least not on a conscious level. As your article proves there's still plenty I don't understand about steemit, and that's OK, the point is it still "just works."


Do you feel a bit stupid too? I read this and I'm wondering if i'm already too old or smth but it;s so difficult to understand...

I was really confused when I first viewed the site, it took me a while to get a handle on everything. I still have loads to learn though.

If you read through some of my previous articles it might give this one a bit more context. Rather than reading this one which is a culmination of my experience so far, plus a couple of new insights based on the information from @dan s article.

Thanks, man. I'll follow you for future stuff...although so far didn't figure where i can see the ppl i follow...

not quite implemented on the site yet, but everyone you choose to follow now will once that feature gets added :)

Thanks buddy. It was good to get it out there, I had these ideas floating around my head for a few days before I could properly express them. I still feel like I've only scratched the surface.

It 'just works' - that's all the majority of mainstream users will ever have to worry about. As an investor in Tesla, I'm sure you can relate, you have to really drill down into something and fully understand it before you put money on the line, especially in something that's so innovative.

Hopefully we'll have a lot more discussions in the future.

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