I LOVE Steemit-- but, there are some things that could be improved

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Steemit is an amazing network, no question about that. If you're here and active I'm preaching to the choir.

When something is as open to possibility as Steemit is it saddens me to see the evolution missing so many tweaks.

Don't get me wrong, in my short time here I've learned that there's constant growth and many amazing people working very hard to bring remarkable changes with the many DApps. It's a whirlwind just trying to keep up with the diversity of Steemit.

That said, I feel that the interface of platforms (at least for mobile as that's how I navigate the network) could use a MASSIVE rehall.

Here's a list of the things that have surfaced in my mind while being here:

Favourite Organization

For example:


Currently, when I hang out on someone's personal Steemit living space ("page") what I do is scroll, scroll, and...

There's no placement. No organisation. I feel like I've walked into a home that has a entry way and then one narrow and forever long space filled with the kitchen sink, clothing, dinner, every person they know, a bed, and unfolded laundry on the furniture (I might be talking about my actual living room now).

I would really like to be capable of placing what I want where I want.

For example:

  • The main area: where one presents what they chose; personal writing or an amazing resteem. This is our main area to DISPLAY what we wish to be most apparent.
  • A sideline: where we have certain things in a nice little space. Perhaps this is where all the reesteems go or food related posts. Maybe we want to keep our dark rants quietly on the side and the positive content in the viewers face.
  • Highlight Area: "Here on the lovely left side in the upper corner I have for you some amazing writers that I highly recommend to you" Did you read that in my fancy pants presenter voice? No? You must read that again dear friend 😄. I think of this section to be somewhat like those website "links" ... but, a modern high breed.
  • Photos: or a photo... or something. We have a network that is just oozingn with artists of many types yet, our "home" looks like an airline schedule screen- and the flight is "delayed"
  • Social Network Connection: come on!!!! I should be able to go to @taskmaster4450's "house" and be capable of IMMEDIATELY seeing and clicking on all of their internet world addresses (if they were to share that information) Why is this not already a thing?
  • Following improvement. I'm following these people so why are they hiding under a single word; "Following". Yes, I'll see them in the feed... maybe. Or, maybe the feed gets over run by a couple other amazing creators and the little guy gets lost in the scrolling race. Followers should be displayed better and have better accessibility so that we can check in on their great content easier and are more able to help out.
  • A priority option. Facebook has an option to "always show first" - to always present chosen people to be highly viable in the feed. This would be very helpful for those that we are essentially mentoring and encouraging.

I think that what I'm visualizing is similar to a magazine yet, NOT a magazine. Not Facebook. Not Twitter.

An intelligent perspective would be to look around and get inspiration from the entire media world and put together something that has proven to be functional yet make it BETTER. Steemit HAS the ability to be the Goddess 😉 of tech networks.

I'm no programmer, I'm a visualizer (as you can see)- I'm not the person who has skills of any kind to create this vision. 🎶is there anybody out there?🎶 - Pink Floyd

I apologize if there's something that I'm unaware of that essentially renders my vision ridiculous. I am new and I'm that person who thinks they can improve everything; or, visualize 🎶a whole new world🎶 - Tim Rice / Aladdin.

Much love. 💕💕💕💕💕

Here's a photo because I don't want to be a hypocrite... lol

Posted using Partiko Android


Some of those features you describe are available on Steempeak, but they're new and I haven't tried them yet.

Thanks you! 🍺 I'll have a look.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah Steempeak is the place to go babe, but you also have some really cool ideas here - perhaps @jarvie or @asgarth might take them into account, but they're pretty all over it and I think work as hard as they can to make it a pretty user friendly UI. Love some of your points though! I guess I've got used to fumbling along here in my disorganised way - haha. But yeah defo go to Steempeak - sTeemit is so dead. Steempeak has had like 4 different updates come out in a month.

Do you use ginabot on Discord?

nice one sharing your thoughts friend.
#Steem on

Thanks @anaclark for your help to make Steem the Blockchain platform we actually all want to use! :)
As @riverflows & @josephsavage mentioned earlier @steempeak is the #1 Go-To on browsers when it comes to UX & product updates. I'd like to see them releasing a mobile app or to somehow collaborate with @partiko to share code and knowledge. But that's just me imagining :D
Without GINA bot, Steemworld, etc. I also wouldn't be able to keep track of my inter- & transactions. But if I'd post and interact on a daily basis there would be no way for me to really be able to follow up on everything efficiently as of now :/
So if you or whoever else reads this feels the push to do sth about it you're all warmly welcomed to join our little @imagenius action team to help solving all this asap!

Greetings from Barcelona!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great ideas. @josephsavage mentioned Steem Peak which may be interesting. Also, another app of Steem is https://Busy.org and there are probably others. But like you said, it should be more like a magazine, more visual, more integrated with links, connections.

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