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RE: @transparencybot - three points

in #steemit6 years ago

People think they’re smart because they “found a way to play the system”. Well, then they shouldn’t mind if the world knows how smart, genius and totally original they are.

This is an absolutely deadly tool. There are people who are beginning and they do it out of desperation and they’re slowly driven out of steemit by desperation. I’d honestly share the conversations I had with this Indonesian guy about a week ago but I don’t want to share it without his permission. But it would explain what this incentive is doing to people. I’ve lucky enough to lock up with great people who didn’t cheap out with guideness. But those who haven’t would easily leave tomorrow. I know that because that would have been me just few weeks in.


You are wrong. After a certain pont of success and in these bullish times its a necessity. 100 .02 cent upvotes gets me 2 dollars. One buildawhale vote got me 5 times as much for 5 sbd. Granted i gave all my money to my mods rather than myself but its my baby so i need it to succeed.

Some people go too far i think over 50 sbd on one article is really out of hand for the amount of work one article often takes.

We put a lot of work in so i might start doing ten if i can afford it

A phat wallet is not a necessity.

Your definition of success betrays you.

Nothing is so worthy of succeeding that the abandoning of it's underlying principles is merited. If you're not abandoning that underlying principle by buying botvotes, your underlying principle is without merit as well.

Your entire line of argument is specious and void of accord with reality.

If you'd like, I can provide you with a list of things you can to do financially support an initiative without buying botvotes, many of which would be more emunerative. Frankly, I am without doubt that the fact that you can clearly do many other things rather than buy votes is immaterial.

You want to justify what you are doing, and you will.

What you say has nothing to do with the truth.

Please provide me with that list! Id ne happy to read it. Money is a means to an end. Righg now i dont have time to write but it would help , some, although much talent exists with 1-5 dollar upvotes while whales poop and get 200+ by upvoting each other

I'll be brief.

For ways to make money for your project, you can take on a second job, sell stuff you have, buy stuff or get free stuff from Craigslist, and sell it, trade up. You can certainly think of others yourself.

"...gender and race inequality problem on steemit..."

Explain to me how a site on which you can remain completely anonymous could have gender and race inequality problems?

No, don't. The actual fact is that on a site where you can be completely anonymous, there can be no such problems that aren't deliberately instigated.

I've done my best to provide incentive for you to re-examine your principles. What you do is all you.

I will end by saying that sacrificing principle to expediency destroys the very reason for the endeavor expedited. It doesn't even matter what the endeavor is, nor the principle.

Enjoy the fruits of your endeavors.


I think he wants you brainwashed into his way of thinking... There are many views on any subject. It does not make any single view 100% accurate.

I use bidbots and will continue as long as they exist. I use them some for myself, but more importantly I use them to aid charitable organization or people in need. If I give donations directly then I am harassed with all kinds of spam. Using a bidbot the organization or individual gets needed funds by me paying for them. They also gain greater exposure and increase in their followers.

The way some talk you would swear it would bring on Armageddon.

Btw we will be paying all of our members a living wage if our goal is successful. Right now i send half of the author rewards when a member writes a post.

We also pay for contests to encourage the type of content we eventually want to publish, this is not to mention managing the discord group, spending countless hours debating with other steemians about whether there is a gender and race inequality problem on steemit let alone the hours spent figuring out how to tackle it.. then dealing woth all of the insults thrown at us for not being "nice"

All my mods and members and myself frankly are severely underpaid.

As im sure many are on steemit.

If bidbots dissappeared tomorrow id be find as long as we had a fair and just system for earning the money. But tbh i think its pretty obvious that there wont be as this is "decentralized " led by and for anarchocapitalists.

So here i am figuring shit out the anarchists way. :D

Whats that they say to me always "there is no safe space" maybe. But me n my crew are gonna get paid or ima die trying.


Bidbots are a temporary solution. I'll wait for your longterm one.

Since English isn’t my first language. I’m willing to take blame for you not getting what I’m saying. Regardless, what you said has little to do with what I’m talking about and the type of people who I’m talking.

What you are describing is a less risky, less rewarding lottery. Sure there’s a chance of a whale upvoting. There’s always a chance of that happening. Just like there are chances you get hit by lightening and you... again... winning the lottery.

Hahahahahahahaha perfect!

The punchline is this: A comedian at 50 rep who makes memes and talks badly about women "takes blame" while insulting my intelligence yet fails to comprehend what I am saying.



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