in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


In this post I would like to debate on something that I see a bit unjust, it neither is a problem of jealousies, nor envies, simply it is something that I think that it should be corrected.

It seems to me to be brilliant that a post reaches numbers from 1000 to 40.000 SBD, independently of his content, is more, I would like to see with my eyes the first post that comes to the million.

I like that the initiative, the originality is valued. Etc. Basically it is what attracts hundreds of persons to Steemit, the search of " post of gold ".

Would the persons who complain about a post of 10.000 SBD because they say that his content does not cost it, complain equally if this 10.000 SBD give them to him in a post done by them?

The response is easy. NO!.

But what more has been called me the attention and is the base of this post is the following thing:

We all know what finds it hard to do a post of success, even it is difficult, at least for me and I believe that for many people, a post does that his value overcomes 1 SBD. But I do not complain about it, my post have the value that has given him and I am happy of it.

What I am going to say now is the part that can be more polemic and to be able to seem that I have envy or jealousies, but it is not like that.

Does problem come when I see persons that ALL his post have a considerable value, each and every of them, since it is possible? Have they a divine gift? It is all the same if the post is of humor, a news , a photography, a text. In each and every of his post they have a value that in many occasions overcomes 100 SBD.

Why does this happen? There is impartiality at the moment of voting? If a post costs 100 SBD (for example) the author should be all the same, already it is a small fish, a dolphin or a whale, HERE IT IS NECESSARY TO VOTE FOR THE CONTENT NOT TO THE AUTHOR.

There is a great mistake at the moment of voting and is that if the people see that a user known (whale, dolphin) makes a post, automatically he votes for it, if a user sees a post of very much value, votes for it without reading it, and the only thing that is done is to make the big one bigger.


I return to clarify, do not want that my words are misinterpreted, do not say that it is not necessary to vote to the big fish, only I say that it is necessary to vote to what you like, independently of if he is an author known or stranger. It will lead to an equality in rewards, to a global growth and a benefit for all.

Definitively, I think that all that can be summarized in a phrase.


#steemit #steemit-ideas #news #steem #money #equality

Regards SteemAdditcs


In the end people are free to vote the way they want: for the content, for the author, for the curation reward, for supporting their friends, you name it.

Even if I understand that one can feel puzzled by some enormous amount gained with only one post, we should somehow put things into context.

Imho, the only thing that really matters is whether or not this platform will grow. Facebook reached 1 Billion daily active users without paying anyone. You already have 6 dollars (3 directly ni your pocket) with this post. Isn't that great ?!

If this platform scales, then the core team will have to deal with the 'fairness issue', if people keep complaining. On the contrary of some people, I see people complaints as an interesting indicator to see the friction points.

If they don't other people will come and duplicate the sourcecode and bootstrapp another plateform with other economic distribution. But let's not rush, this is an experiment, and I don't think that the distribution is the main issue right now.

the images are not working.

Already it is arranged, thank you!

Thanks for the post!!

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