University Students Should Seize the Moment! And Join Steemit...

in #steemit7 years ago

This is the first of my many posts detailing the project that I will be conducting. I will be helping a group of freshmen or first year university students discover Steemit. The students were interested because they are facing financial difficulty at the moment. As this is the blockchain and everything is public, I will not be revealing the reason here.

Many of them are still waiting for their accounts to be approved and some are still on the fence if they should join. However, I find that your time in university is the best time to get on to Steemit. Thus, I would like to point out a few reasons. These reasons of course do not only apply to my students but to every university student who may stumble upon this article.

Little To Lose Much To Gain

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The common statement I hear from my students is that they have way too much homework and assignments to complete. I acknowledge their struggles but off they go playing Dota. I game too and I know you need time to blow off steam, but why not steem instead?

The great thing about Steemit is that you could make it a daily hustle or a hobby. You could post three articles a day or just one article a week. Since most would post on Facebook or Instagram, it is just a change of platform, but the habits remain the same. In other words, you have little to lose but much to gain. Besides, the likes you get on Facebook don't pay but if you do get upvotes on Steemit, it is a completely different story.

The Most Obvious Reason

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The most obvious reason why one would join Steemit aside from the social aspect would of course be the money. Now, I am not saying that this should be your singular pursuit. However, imagine posting about some really good content on Steemit and getting rewarding for it. The reward could be used to get some much needed groceries. After all, we all know that a steady diet of instant noodles is not exactly a healthy option.

Aside from this, the rewards earned while not a lot can be saved for the future. Besides, I believe that Steem will double, perhaps triple in price. Even if you took your local currency and invested it, I doubt the returns will be as good. Thus, why not invest in your future?

Besides, a lot of us express ourselves through some form of social media platform. It should not be too difficult to write a post on a great party you have just attended on Dtube or Steemit instead of Facebook, shouldn't it?

Great Start In Finding Your Niche

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If pursuing payouts is not your main focus, Steemit is actually a great place to discover your niche. You may have wanted to produce blog posts, produce Youtube Videos or see how good your photography skills are. Steemit provides a great platform for you to see how many people like what you create. This is because on platforms like Youtube and Facebook, the like is, in my opinion, cheap. I could vote you because I like you and I could like as many people as I want.

This however is not the case for Steemit, a 100% upvote may deplete someone's voting value completely. For some, it may even deplete their bandwidth. Thus, when someone upvotes you on Steemit, that vote does not just hold monetary value, it costs the voter something. While it may not be a reliable indicator, it is far more reliable in my opinion than Facebook.

Furthermore, as you try creating different posts, stepping out of your comfort zone, you may find that you are really talented in something. The reason that you have never discovered this talent was because you were never given that opportunity. Such opportunities may be found in your universities but consider this, have you ever wondered how good you are in the real world? Steemit may just be the test you need to gauge your own ability.

Forging Relationships

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Finally, Steemit is a great place for you to forge relationships. You may find many on social media platforms who would ask you to like them or follow them and they would do the same for you. However, if you are looking to forge relationships, perhaps writing more thoughtful comments would help you build a respect for someone who may be several time-zones away instead of just the people you meet at university.

You may even get involved in community projects that will impact someone positively. Some of the community projects found are genuine because they may lack support from institutions such as universities. You can choose to pursue financial success on Steemit or make a difference by helping others through this platform. I have no qualms whichever one you choose but I know that you will benefit immensely as I have.



i am always university student and like this @alvinauh

Nice, am also a student and really would love to make other students see the good in this beautiful community.

Definitely, much better compared to other ways of getting income

I wish Steem was around when I was at university. I spend my free time playing (and losing) online poker. I have time now to invest in Steem and it is a great platform - I am in the same boat,, little to lose and a lot to gain

Steemit is a fantastic opportunity for educators. Those reading this should really consider this new "crypto" avenue as a means to empower themselves financially while also tapping into new professional networks. Thanks for sharing @alvinauh!

very nice POST, we need more of them.

Greetings from BERLIN

Oh wow searching for my niche was why I stayed with steemit, still enjoying searching and planning to settle down with ine solid one. And in the meantime learn to write well too, giving better comments/replies and stuff.

First year in college is absolutely the best time to start steeming. One reason why it is good is that the pressure to make money would not be as high. You can really enjoy yourself because you are not the one taking care of your needs. It would really be nice to graduate and have a stash of money gained from steeming to start life with. I wish I had this opportunity when I was in school. Life after college would have been less stressful.

Muy buen proyecto. Me parece que los jóvenes universitarios tienen el potencial principal para aportar en Steemit arte, forografia, investigaciones y mucho más.

Buen artículo.Varias razones para estar en Steemit.

I agree with you @alvinauh on getting students to steemit especially those in university. Even though steemit is much better than any other social media platform, it is also sometimes quite discouraging especially to the newbies, planktons and minnows.

I’ve seen some good contents from newbies, but there were just a mere 1 cent upvotes for the content which they wrote, and I’ve seen big upvotes value for a mere steepshot and nothing written on the content. It saddens me to see this type of things happening even within some communities. When it comes to money, its a different ball game. When i was first introduce to steemit, i was told that its free money and free upvotes. However, after 1.5 months into steemit, I’m beginning to see the real steemit.

What I would like to see improvement in a community is that all in the community should support or upvote post that is good content regardless whether you know the person or not. It’s like reading something on facebook or instagram or even youtube, you press the LIKE button without even thinking it cost you or not. Things need to change within the steemit community.

I agree with you, I think in our next meet up we should start our own Sabah voting trail to support each other. I think people get demotivated along the way and its good if we can support each other better

Lets do that! Probably get @sndbox to help? Why not? Since we are promoting steemit to the communities. When a newly signup person post their first post on introducmyself, they normally get quite a bit of upvotes, however after the second or third post, merely 0 upvotes. Really sad with this. I don’t know, as im still new.

I think that's what they are trying to do.. hopefully they get it going soon. That being said, not self promotion.. but if you scroll down my many posts, i started off with close to zero too and had to solo it out until i met someone from team malaysia. For a while, i thought i was the only one but now with a community we can do something great together soon.

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