1000 POSTS on Steemit!! What does it all mean?

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

I recently created an article called What does it take to get a 1,000 followers in about 6 months?. I continue to be thankful that my follower base is growing. It would be a sad thing to continue to create content and no one was there to read it. The other day, however, I realized I hit a new landmark:


But, what does 1000 posts mean to you on Steemit?

Is it grounds for celebrating? It is for me. It means that I am creating relationships with the people here in the Steemit community... Learning about a topic or someone's experiences more than what is offered in the original post... Giving authentic feedback on other’s posts so they hear an answer to their heartfelt stories... And, in general, exchanging encouragement to one another.

Of the now 1100 plus followers listed on my blog, there are on average 20 or so people who actually view or read my work. Obviously everyone is busy, and each post is only one in a sea of posts on Steemit. So, how encouraging is it to actually receive a quality comment from a fellow Steemian?

Very encouraging!

Out of all 1100 followers, I might get 5 quality comments on my blog. So, thank you to all who have engaged me in discussion! You are part of me reaching my 1000 post landmark.


You are what makes Steemit a great community to be a part of.

In no particular order, I’d like to recognize some of the people who have taken the time to converse with me on Steemit:


Thank you to all!

Feeling celebratory, @allforthegood



I think a lot of people don't realize that commenting is a MAJOR part of being successful on Steemit. They seem to think if they just keep throwing out post after post they will eventually make some money. I try to talk to at least one newbie a week and this is part of what I tell them. You can earn as much and sometimes much more off a really good conversation with people than one a dozen posts, and the conversations are easier and faster than a detailed post, lol.

I'll the first to converse with you on this post, yay me! Congratulations on your posting milestone.

Official brownie points being credited to your account ;)

Congratulations! That's some accomplishment. Slow and steady wins the race, not that we're in a race. As long as we have some engagement it's all good!

You are quite an amazing encourager! Thanks for taking the time to read and respond :)

I just did a similar post on my blog today :) Followers are mostly irrelevant; I'll take 1 good follower over 100 zombie followers any day. I'll take 1 engaged reader over 1000 disengaged readers any day.

Unless one of those disengaged folks is a whale, and they're upvoting me. Then all bets are off.

I agree. Just checked your post. Good perspective on 404 followers woot! Thanks for being so amazingly engaging. I appreciate it!

Congratulations. Fine words.

Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

That's awesome!

Thanks for your encouragement :)

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