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RE: So what are your really trying to do on Steemit; here is your mission, will you choose to accept it ?

in #steemit8 years ago

I am willing to believe that everything you say is 100% correct.


First off, that's inherently not me. As an autistic individual, part-time obsessive and long-time sufferer of abuse if I get the slightest thing off or ambiguous, I've become fanatical about precision. Pictures aren't precise and haven't proven useful to me to get my points across. It means I probably lose a lot of Steem dollars, maybe thousands, but a lifetime of conditioning and my inability to express what I need visually means the only way I can do this is collaboratively. I need my sanity, what's left of it. If someone thought my posts could be spiced up, made successful, I've no problem with me giving them a draft and them keeping 90-95% of the Steem dollars produced from the finished product.

There's no obvious mechanism in Steem for doing this, though. I can read through style guides that I sincerely believe are superb, but I can do nothing with them.

Secondly, there are dangers in oversimplification. Every word provides a degree of freedom, which may or may not be used. If it isn't used, removing it isn't any big deal. However, English is a very poor language, it has only 26 characters (too few for phonetic spelling) and only 300,000 words. Grammar, the thing that lets you use such a poor, enfeebled language in complex ways, is a dying art. Aztec codices are picture-rich, word-poor and content poor. They also got grotesquely misinterpreted by the Spaniards who had virtually all of them burned - along with the Aztecs. There's a reason Gaiman (brilliant artist) produced Sandman comics rather than Linux developer guides. A comic book version of Lord of the Rings will have less subtlety and none of the nuances of the novels, even though it could be perfectly good.

This isn't impossible to solve, but it requires art to progress. Styles of art have changed, but art itself hasn't seen any really new techniques in 12,000 years, other than colour - and that was 3,000 years ago. Ideas have evolved a lot in that time, but art doesn't have any means of presenting them. To get this extra information, all the nuances etc, you need to do something to art that is the equivalent in magnitude to its discovery 35,000 years ago. Since someone discovered it, it can be done.


Firstly I currently live with an Aspie . . .

Not a lot of people know much about Aspies and almost nothing about Aspergers so please believe I understand probably about 7 % of your journey and maybe about 4 percent more than most others reading your post . . .

Currently my Aspie is busy into his thing in life and nothing is allowed to intrude into his precision world, so maybe I do understand something of what your saying. During a recent moment of speech he described himself as an obsessed narcissist. That he and many Aspies can be obsessive does not mean he is truly a narcissist, he is just wired differently.

He is nothing to me except we share the place habitat currently and sometimes I want to throw my Aspie into the lake; but truly he ' grows ' on you , he is simply a great person in so many ways. Put another way he is nothing to me and yet he has managed to make himself a central part of my interest. Yes he drives me crazy rarely but he is so great in other ways . . .

I think autistic individuals have difficulties in finding themselves; but once they find their true calling they tend to become amazingly good at it. This is not just conjecture but by noticing decades of life experience and some health professional studies.

Personally three months ago I was a terrible writer, but I am improving. The funny thing is this; so is everyone else who is persisting at Steemit : ) thus I remain firmly wedged in my own little pond as a minnow. Over time I will find the identities of these higher minnows and dolphins, "cleaners " and ' hit-men ' will be dispatched; I will move further up the Rewards and Reputations charts. . .

In the mean time I will follow your posts and see whatever I can do to help out a fellow steemian who is trying to be helpful and increase his/her market share in Steem. Over time I think I will get further by helping others achieve a little so that everyones shares in Steemit grow.

That way when I sign out and close my eyes at night I know there is some little ten year old Asian boy in Korea tirelessly working to improve Steemit for the benefit of mankind ( and WOmankind ) [ PC = Political Correctness ] while I smile blissfully as sleep overtakes me and I realise this strangers actions are increasing the value of my Steem : )

/ hugz : )

P.S. While you say there are hundreds of thousands of words in the English language; daily people actually use only under 5,000 different words. In fact most people never use more than 30,000 words during ordinary lifetimes.

Remember your here not to write long articles like I do, they seldom get read; your trying to reach simplistic people, so avoid big words.

Write short punchy sentences, maximum of 99 words for the entire post keep it simple. You must remember most of the people reading this either did not go to college or spent some serious time in college using some serious gear like booze or weed.

These are not university professors here, so try and find some quality authors and try and find your little niche where you can enjoy posting your content. Try and understand your audience; many autistic people are very smart actually so you will need to simplify your content for fools, it seems that your desire for precision is what gets in the way of you learning to talk down to idiots . . .

That is truly a superb reply and I'm now following your posts - partly brecause you understand, but also because it's only fair that if you can help me, I should try to do the same on the rare occasions I can. Different perspectives mean that you get to feel just as supported.

Thank you very much for the advice. Somewhere, in my mind, the theme to Mission: Impossible started, but I know this isn't impossible, just tough. In essence, "colloquial english" (the stuff people use) is a foreign language that's used by what might as well be a foreign tribe. Experiences long ago did not help. If I don't make it back, the survivors can share the imaginary chocolate cookies.

Some people are like this Terminator Movie quote . . .

" You can't stop them! ... They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever !!! "

Remember some people have trouble making relationship connections; given the fact most people can hide anonymously behind the anonymity of the World Wide Wed today there has never been as better time to be who you are . . .

Carpe Diem ! ! ! : )

/ hugz ; )

Be a person of good character and let the future take care of itself . . .

( You did see the morning news ? right ? NASA says " Big Rock, Very Bad; arriving in 72 minutes " ) ...

We are all ' Star Stuff ' our Biological elements were created in Supernova explosions, or that is the theory ! ! !
[ see you on the BlockChain ] . . .

Laterz : )

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