in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In the year 21 HUNDRED........... I can only imagine what the STEEM blockchain might look like that year. I'm generally not one to try and "predict" things, but for some reason I found myself spending a whole lot of time contemplating some rather strange ideas of the future the last few days.

It is possible that some of this was due to the recent "cryptokitties" launch. And maybe it was also somewhat related to the strange documentary I was watching before falling into a deep sleep. Perhaps the ideas all sunk into my subconscious mind at a slightly lower, more nefarious level than they were meant to occupy...

My Perfect Pet

In a society where eugenics is mostly shunned upon, it's always rather revealing how many people tend to act diametrically to many of the beliefs that they seem to hold so dear. Shouldn't we just leave such things to GOD to sort out? Perhaps...

But then walking down the streets of Manhattan this evening, I was noticing all these sassy looking creatures. Dogs with cropped ears or docked tails, cuz it "looks better". Declawed cats, cuz their owners hopefully had no idea how torturous it was for their poor "beloved" feline. Well preened fluffy dogs, prissy little poodles and puppies, and perhaps even a perfectly-groomed kitten or two at some point along the way. I'm also quite sure I saw a few well-groomed metrosexual sewer rats, along with a subway crocodile or alligator to boot.

I also started to wonder how on earth would any of these animals ever survive out in "the wild". How would most of us even survive out in "the wild"?! Taking it a step further, with some of my "sensitivities", I've gotta think I may not even be of the same breed of human as some others I've come across. While I'm freezing my nads off wearing 6 layers of clothing and a heavy jacket in sub-zero snowy weather, others seem to jog right by me in Central Park wearing nothing but skimpy shorts and a T-shirt.

I think I once saw some documentary about an elite class of reptilian creatures parading around as human-looking politicians. I can only wonder if perhaps there was a bit more truth to some of those conspiracy theories than I first believed.

But, going back to the pets, the reality is that thousands of years of selective breeding (ie. eugenics) is what transformed many of these creatures into the fluffy looking fuzzyballs, or shaggy-skinned dumpling dogs that we see today. Animals that wouldn't have a chance in hell at surviving on their own without a nice cozy fluffy bed to curl up on...

(Hold on a sec, now I just got myself confused... was I talking about someone's "pet", or was I just talking about myself?! Hmmm.. maybe I'm also just someone else's "pet", and I don't even realize it yet! lol)

And we even see it now in full force with the cryptokitties as well, with an entire website devoted to "gaming" the eugenics of your crypto pets, cuz I mean, who wouldn't want a shot at force-mating "siring" your crypto pets and snagging your very own "Kitty Perry"! lol

So naturally, the next question would be what exactly guides these decisions in the first place? What makes certain traits in a puppy or kitten more "desirable", or perhaps I should say, more "fashionable" than another? I mean, at what point is selective breeding taken too far, to the point that your shaggy skin bulldog...

... perhaps doesn't seem all that cute anymore?!

STEEMIT 2100, the future of "eugenics"!

So that's when it came to me! By the year 2100, no one should be responsible for making their own decision on what a fashionable pet (and potentially, even your own "docilized" kids!) should look like. Given that by then genes will likely be as tweak-able as deciding how much garlic or parmigiana you want on each slice of pizza you consume, why not open it up for your "social circle" to decide?!

You can post your various eugenic designs on STEEMIT, and your "friends" and "followers" can help you decide your most "fashionable" pet design based on which one receives the most financially beneficial upvotes! That way you can still crowdfund discover an ideal "pet design" of your choosing, while also being fairly certain that you'll remain "fashionably favorable" in the eyes and minds of your social circle!

As always, I appreciate your upvote, your follow and all your comments!

images from and


Interesting look on the future

I'm pretty sure I sat next to Mr. Blobfish on the F train the other day... he was unapologetically blobbing into my seat...

In the Year TWENTY-ONE HUNNN-DREDDDD, AI will vote on social media for their ideal pet humans...

And Conan O'Brien the cyborg will have a late night hologram instagram that will tell us how it will be in the Year TWENTY-TWOOO HUNNN-DREDDDD.

now that's all pretty funny too, if only it didn't seem like such a distinct possibility of becoming the "new reality"! lol

You mean Conan the Cyborg? Totes!

Blob is beautiful to his momma and will someday find another blob that thinks he's hot. LOL

he's very pleased you said that, you really made his day! :)

just one question tho, how'd you know blobby boucher's gender? haven't quite figured out how to tell myself yet! lol

You know I almost lost sleep over this last night! heheehe

I am listening your explanation as I write on the live chat, read your post too... Crypto Jokes series !!! hahaha

glad you found it entertaining! :) but surely nothing to compare with your noble act and kind gesture of saving the kitties! :) 👏👏👏

Loved hearing the thought process behind this post on whaleshares haha Upvoted and followed!


thanks for the kind words and for the follow! :)

Haha, the rise of cryptokitties, modern tv and walks in the open have brought a lot of deep thoughts into your life. Also, those reptilian overlords with their fluffy poodles are probably the natural inhabitants of this planet. Maybe we, humans , are the aliens and that is why it is so cold for us here :D

yeah, maybe when they were making TV series like "V: Visitors" just might have been the real story after all! lol

Haha, those lizard-people are everywhere!

"a few well-groomed metrosexual sewer rats"

A brilliant line and imagery... That entire paragraph was genius.

glad you liked that line, I thought it was great too! but truth be told, I actually have to give credit to @michellectv for that one. It really seemed to kick the whole article up a notch after she suggested it to me! lol

hehe ; )

I like your sense of humor, except for the insensitive comment about Mr. Slime :-( I think he looks charming..

In all seriousness tho: what the actual bleep is that thing?

PS. I'm new to Steemit and don't really have a lot of friends and followers here yet wink wink. I'm currently working on a piece about CBD oil and crypto security. The rest is up to imagination. It will be out in a couple of days. Hopefully it will be worth reading :-)

thanks for commenting @partywalrus, and welcome to STEEMIT!

it's called a blobfish, and I actually did feel a bit bad as well about pinning him / it / her / idunno up as the "fallfish" for the butt of my joke... lol

ps.. if you'd like to meet some more people, feel free to drop by the whaleshares chat on discord too! :)

Oh nooo, lol! Poor thing.. It's the inside that counts! cheer

Thank you for the warm welcome and the whaleshares tip :-)

It sounds to me like somebody is having an awakening of consciousness. ^_^

Consistency, sir, is the yardstick that you seek to use - which many would dare not.

Human-centricity is the elephant in the room - a justification upon the level of species.

Thank you for sharing this. It was certainly pleasant to read.

thank you @pathforger for the kind words, glad you were able to find enjoyment and pleasure in between my (what some may consider) quasi-delusional rantings! :) lol

It would be an even more sad World to live in were we to grow that restrictive upon peoples' freedom to think.

Not saying that some are not inclined to test those waters - but fortunately those incidents are relatively few and far between.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us.

love that black & white dog pic

you made his day, and he'd like to give you a big 'ole slobbery thank you! :D

Aww...that's so sweet! Thanks.

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