Steemit, Fractals, The DNA of the Universe & What This Practically Means For You

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Today I want to write about fractals, their nature, how they influence you, your culture and your surroundings. Then how you can use you recognise it to understand the world.

What is a fractal?

According to Wikipedia: "A fractal is a natural phenomenon or a mathematical set that exhibits a repeating pattern that displays at every scale. It is also known as expanding symmetry or evolving symmetry."

If you're a nature lover. You'll see fractal-patterns everywhere
In plants:
In frost:

In shells:
In mountains. Here is one computer generated fractal of a mountain by thebatchman

to name but a few. At any stage you can zoom in and see a further set of the same pattern, just from a different perspective.

Fractals are facinating because if you look at them, you see the underlying patterns that make up the world. There is a certain code of a DNA, building-blocks, or parameters that define how the objects unfurl into matter.

Now this is all very well you're thinking. "But how does this apply to my day to day life as a bill-paying adult on planet Earth?"

Here's the thing Organisations, people and places tend to have the same fractal-like properties, as plants, animals and the natural world.

If you can understand those building blocks, you can understand the world. Understand the world and you'll understand what needs to be created and invented during this period of history, and how you can fulfill your life purpose here. I know that sounds very lofty, but let me explain!

People are like fractals.

People tend to group themselves around shared worldviews predominant emotions and their level of energy. Communities come together from this.

Communities function fairly well provided that everyone has similar worldviews and similar energy levels. People split up and break up from groups when something shifts within them - and their energy is no longer compatible with the group. Then they regroup and rejoin another group of people.

Cultures (national cultures /workplace cultures / family cultures) are like fractals too.

Hierarchies emerged and as have the parameters of acceptable behaviour in those cultures. These rules dictate what's possible and the patterns that can emerge.
There's a fantastic fantastic book that I reviewed about how organisations and cultures form. And how they've evolved over thousands of years.

Red- Fearful, power-driven groups (e.g. inner-city housing projects, drug cartels, powerful chiefs)
Amber - Formal hierachies, no questioning (e.g. schools, government agencies, the Church)
Orange - Very competitive, aim to achieve profit and growth at all costs, command and control, goal-led (e.g. big corporations)
Green - With a traditional pyramid structure but a focus on culture and employee motivation (e.g. Ben and Jerry's, Southwest Airlines)

But what's exciting for me is the final category.

Teal - Self-management replaces hierarchical pyramids. The organization is seen as a living entity with own creative potential and purpose. People are seen as assets and it's about matching their purposes and life journey to those of the organisation. Everyone is trusted to take responsibility, do what they feel needs to be done and it trusts that the collective intelligence of everyone makes better decisions than top-down decision making. People are encouraged to be authentic, bring their whole selves to work and be spiritually full.

What's fascinating about this time in history is cultures are evolving faster than ever before.

Ever more is becoming possible. We're moving up the helix of human consciousness. Rapid-technological advancement and better communication technology (social media/Steemit) creates quantum leaps for our development.

Instead of fighting for scarce resources, more and more work cultures will reflect nature's abundance.

We will form and create hyper-effective self-organising groups that solve problems. We won't be blocked by hierarchy and gatekeepers any more. We will have the access to ideas, help and capital from the hivemind. And you're incentivised to help because you value your reputation to the group. Furthermore this gives work and life a sense of purpose and meaning.

What this means for you:

As organisations reflect a new leap in consciousness, we are likely to become more empowered, more effective, more trusted and the old oppressive power structures are likely to become less and less relevant. We are going to live in an ever accelerating, ever more interesting world. As Buckmeister Fuller once said:

What's amazing about Steemit is the level of community and trust that has been built in just a matter of weeks. Members are collaborating to write posts and books. Myself and @stellabelle have become twins - and have had very meaningful conversations.

Every day there's more suggestions of how to develop and evolve the platform - @andrarchy just did an amazing video explaining Steemit's potential and it's parallels to Tesla Motors. Even though it's such early days what is clear is the DNA of this platform is truly evolutionary.

Here's the rub: Steemit isn't just a crypto-currency, or a social network or a platform for indie journalism. Steemit is the portal to the next step of human evolution.

Get contributing.

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