Why Have My Payouts Dropped By Half, When the Price of STEEM is Up?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hate to waste a post on this, but last week I was making around $15 per post, sometimes as high as $20. Then all of a sudden that dropped to around $5-$7, with the occasional $10. Has something happened? I am so out of the loop when it comes to this stuff, I just keep my head down and make content.

Is it just me or is this happening to other people? Is it because the price of Steemit went up? Some kind of economic balancing phenomenon I'm unaware of? Sound off in the comments if you've heard anything related to this, inquiring minds want to know.

Stay Cozy!


No! not because the price of steemit went up.there should be a another reason for it.
I hope your problem will get fixed soon.
And if we talk about the quality of content then you are not compromising with it,there should be another reason for sure.
Have a good day and nice earning. the post is not a waste.

A: Your picture: ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, I'm Lovin' It.

B: You've been posting on the same themes for a bit (video gameplay, underwater living, and the Little People). Perhaps, a new thread is due to see if that'll spark some rewards. If people come to expect the same game play/stories, and have their interest exhausted, then perhaps this is the sign.

Are you getting the same amount of views? So many posts these days have 5x upvotes vs views, it's disgusting. Your posts require engagement, and perhaps people are becoming too lazy to appreciate fine content.

You reward and engage virtually all commenters, so that's amazing. I doubt it's tied to lack of respect or appreciation.

Food for thought from my perspective. It could be worse. My last two posts are roughly $3 for open mic night and $0.16 for helping the environment. Go figure.

I'm not sure what is going on but I have noticed a drop off in both interest and payouts on my posts as well. I have a few suspicions though.

The first is that SBD is sky high right now and it has been for several days.
I even made a post about it because I am confused. I thought that SBD was supposed to track the USD so how is it possible for it to be elevated for days? Aren't there mechanisms to correct this? I thought SBD were for internal Steemit use only but apparently they are on Bittrex and other exchanges.

Anyway what I am wondering is if the dollar amount listed for the post or comment is in USD or Steem Dollars because SBD isn't doing what they are supposed to do right now. If the payout is in Steem Dollars then you can multiply the payout by 1.6.

The other thing I think happened is that STEEM has been very stagnant compared to other cryptocurrency the last couple of months (not including today). Many of my other holdings are up by 50-100% in a couple weeks.

I think a lot of the people that were active a month ago just aren't interested right now. A lot of the people that used to vote on my content are not posting as much as they used to or doing as much curation I'm just not seeing it. I hate to say this but as much as most of us would like to think otherwise the majority of Steemians are here for the money and when they think they can make more money trading or doing something else they are going to lose interest in Curation. Why spend hours to make a couple bucks curating when you can make a couple hundred dollars on a quick trade?

Hopefully this is just a short term blip and doesn't turn into a long term trend. Things do tend to go in cycles and if the crypto market stabilizes and trading opportunities dry up people will be looking for more small consistent gains again.

I don't have the answer but that wallet is amazing!

Very hard to earn now! My earning almost lost by 60% now! Anyway I won't left the battle :D


I am trying to find the verification on this but I read somewhere that the amounts listed on the posts, even though they say $, they are really steem. Hence, the value of steem doesnt affect the payoff, only the change in your total account value.

As for the drop, I notice that from time to time even though my tenure on here isnt that long. I guess it is the ebb and flow of the upvoting system. Perhaps some heavy hitters who were voting for you have gone on recess for a while.

I really don't know why your payout dropped. But do you engage more with people, if not try to engage more maybe the will be improvement because i still see other do well with their post even though am still struggling with mine.

I dont know brother coz i never made $1 for my post til today ☺😞😞 @alexbeyman

Just a swag (Scientific Wild Ass Guess) but could it boil down to the following:

  1. Most of the heavy hitters on this platform are US-based, and....

  2. We've just finished Thanksgiving, one of the largest US holidays. Maybe a significant portion of the active heavy hitters were traveling, taking time off, or otherwise not participating as much on the platform as usual?

How does this compare with the cycle last year at this time?

I could be completely off about this. As others mentioned, maybe people are just spending more time on Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies via active trading. Bitcoin is over $9,965/ea as of this posting (yikes!) and opportunities for quick returns are undoubtedly tempting.

If any of my above suppositions are correct, there should be another decrease spike in late Dec (for Christmas / New Year's) but things should pick up again in January, as people often reset their goals and expectations around this time and become more productive.

That actually sounds plausible!

I guess it is due to the price of steem against sbd. few days I ago I also encountered the same problem. but what I lost is nothing compared to yours. my $.58 is gone while your posts lost almost $10. $5 -$7 to me is every big deal. this post is not a waste.

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