What the Hell is Going On with the Price of SBD?

in #steemit6 years ago

Obviously, when I saw the spike pictured above, I got excited. Then confused, because the value of my account had not increased proportionally. Poloniex still showed a price of $1.72 per SBD. That was after a similar spike some days ago where the same thing happened.

...And now this? Seriously? Pump and dumpers, it has to be. Guess what? They're in a small, exclusive club and we're not in it. They're getting rich by manipulating the market value of a crypto we believe in, and many of us rely upon. What recourse do we have?

Nothing, that's what. Because the crypto market is unregulated. Not that I want it to be regulated mind you, it's just frustrating to watch baboozery like this go down in the plain light of day with fuck all being done to stop it.

Hopefully the actual price of SBD on Poloniex that's relevant to us begins to rise organically, long term, instead of this bipolar up and down rollercoaster of scary uncertainty. If anybody has more information about why this is happening (besides the HitBTC stuff I already know about) then drop that info in the comments.

Stay Cozy!


This makes huge confusion! Better check Bittrex price ticker from coinmarketcap!


Okay, I know nothing about the currency markets, But if this just started 1 week ago, I would start to look and see if there is any correlation to microsoft talking about, then buying github. As I did on a previous comment on another post: Look at what happened to IBM-DOS, PC-DOS, after MS-Dos. Look at where Netscape ended after their scrape up with Microsoft. Where is Word Perfect at today? Oracle Database? How soon before anyone leaving stuff on github becomes a de facto employee of microsoft with no pay, but lose their intellectual property rights, because Microsoft Bought all of github. But they are not out to get anyone, they are not out to close down any and all open source projects that threaten their world, no microsoft would never do anything like that. would they.

I also do not know what is happening out here with Sbd i am so much confused with this..
Someday i see rise and the after few hours we come to know fall of sbd..
Is there not any solution this problem that tgere will always rise but no fall i hope ..

That's not what SBS was supposed to be about. SBD, ideally should drop back to round and about $1,-. It is STEEM that should fluctuate and that we should hope goes through the roof. IMHO after six months of perpetual pump it is time to accept the single peg idea is useless and SBD should start preparing for a move to a double peg IMHO.

I also do not understand about this. In fact, I really hope SBD can skyrocket again the price as of November 2017 ago.

I really wonder why many people seem happy with high SBD. We don't need high SBD! We need high STEEM and we need stably pegged SBD, if possible pegged at round and about $1,-.

Maybe because SBD easily we get through rewards in every post. If the division is larger in STEEM, maybe we do not care anymore about the price of SBD either high or low. That's my opinion Mr. @pibara.

Hmm I had no idea it had spiked that high. I don't check the price of SBD more then a couple times a week.

Have you thought about setting sell orders at high prices to pick up some of these spikes? it wouldn't always work and you would have to keep some locked up in sell orders. I've been considering it myself rather then just selling at the market rate.

The spikes never influenced the value of the SBD we have on Steemit because it only happened on HitBTC and was excluded from the averaging algorithm. It gave me a scare, but none of us actually missed out on anything.

That's good to know. Have you traded at all on HitBTC? If so is it easy to open an account?

I made an account, but couldn't buy or sell. There was an error message saying it was temporarily disabled last time I looked. (A few minutes ago)

Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I have found it all too common that when one of these crazy price discrepancies occurs that there is some stupid road block to capitalising like being unable to deposit, withdraw or open an account. Stuff like that.

I am pretty sure the exchange operators create "technical difficulties" that are used as an excuse or cover for price manipulation that they directly or indirectly profit from.

That's my guess too.

I really thought it was just a glitch. It's a shame if it's due to greedy shenanigans.

It's been this way for a week, so many people have sold their SBD and steem due to what they see on coinmarket as well, I don't know what's causing the pump.

Steem backed dollar will probably eventually go back down towards the dollar peg, unless it get manipulated again. It all depends on how many witnesses support the peg

I hope it doesn't. I budgeted my life assuming it would never stay below $2 for long. Either it needs to stay above $2 or I need more whales. :/

Quite a few people are in the same boat, I am just keeping on an eye on what witnesses and whales are doing.

I think the exchange hiked the price and yet stopped people from trading. Maybe its trying to get other price sent high or there about. Either way i think its time sbd price goes up

i dont think it is real
only coinmarket and few others show this increase
on some others highest value has been around 1.80

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SBD 2.63