My 2018: Achievements and Failures - everything is in perfect order

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

2018 has been incredibly full of growth for me, to the extend that the release of blockages has become such a daily endeavor that days of silence appear extremely sluggish. But, as always, we can decide whether we want to focus on what has been accomplished or what hasn't. In this post I will focus on my year on Steemit.

Glimpsing chances in seeming catastrophies

In December 2017 I started releasing my articles on Facebook, gained 700 followers until February plus quite some like-minded contacts who messaged me regularly. Yet suddenly, from one day to the other, my account has been deleted for whatever reason, and so I had a choice: drowning in desperation or seeing the huge opportunity that might be in store for me? Thing is, I got to know about Steemit in early January 2018 but didn't sign up because I thought Facebook would be enough. Hadn't that account deletion taken place I wouldn't have signed up for Steemit in February, if ever. So there is huge value to be gleaned from seeming catastrophies if we are only open to swiftly adapt our perspective. Still, it took mental and emotional letting go, releasing mind barriers. No looking back but embracing the unknown.

Even though I had dreams and clairsentient experiences that told me Steemit "would eventually bring me all the freedom I want one day", thus explain my unwavering trust in the platform, there were still some major blockages that needed to be dissolved. Yet the trust was the elemental panacea that helped me release all the blockages that came up in my conscious mind. I was wondering for example how I should possibly ever get to have 1,000SP, but it was the steadfast trust gained from my dream and clarisentient experiences which assured me: doors will open when the timing is right. So for me the choice was right in front of me: will I synchronise my actions with my doubtful thoughts or with my intuitive trust?

Trust is the way to go

Had I followed the former, I would have rapidly stopped engaging with the platform and releasing any articles, because even though the reward factor can be a massive incentive, it can also deteriorate your perseverance when things are not working your way. Not to even mention doubt caused by readers' reception of my articles in the first place. So to follow the intuitive path of trust required really huge lettting go of ego patterns.

By having decided to continue the intuitive path I realised even more how much value there was in the "catastrophy" with my Facebook account deletion, because it helped me to 100% dedicate myself to Steemit without teetering between both platforms. So for me there was a strong sense of my Higher Self stepping in not allowing me to fall back into the old but pushing me to the new, and that is also what it felt like: within the matter of a day Facebook felt antediluvian, Steemit groundbreaking.

Well, from February to April I tended to focus on commenting thoroughly on others' posts, while I released articles about every 5 days, a rythm I felt quite comfortable with to increase my articles' longevity and number of comments.

Tribesteemup windfall

Then at the end of april @tribesteemup came into my life, and the massive delegations was a clear stimulus. Still, it required me to again throw my rythm overboard because I really wanted to leverage that gift. Shifting from posting once every 5 days to twice a day was tough, to say the least, but it was worth it. Nonetheless I was relieved when the voting was settled at once per day in July. Posting once per day suddenly felt easy-going, compared to February when it felt unimaginable to post so regularly. In other words, another huge mental blockage had been lifted, allowing the creativity to flow more effortlessly.

At the end of October the @tribesteemup delegation was cancelled and I REALLY leveraged that gift to the fullest, now having 950SP + 580SBD. Regardless, I still post regularly because writing my experiences down helps immensely in integrating insights properly and prevents my thoughts from becoming stacked.

Everything is in perfect order

Compared to HOW outlandish it seemed to my worrysome conscious back then to ever reach 1,000SP, produce relatively useful content on a daily basis AND build some mutual like-minded relationships, I clearly see how many massive mountains I actually moved over this year, ALL only enabled through the no-way-back "catastrophy" I experienced on Facebook without getting lost in the mud of the past but instead seeing the potential opportunity lying in this destined event.


No matter how big the mental blockages appear to be, no matter how much doubt you have, if you dovetail your actions with intuitive trust instead of these ego patterns, there is NO way that you won't succeed. No matter how gloomy, desperate, or counteractive certain time periods or experiences/events appear compared to what we really want, there will come the time that we realise and recognise why everything was just perfect the way it was, whereby certain events we experienced as particularly "dark" back then suddenly have a very bright aspect to them thanks to certain pieces of info transpiring that we hadn't before, IF we are only open enough in our mind to look at the matter properly.

Our Soul always understands immediately, the conscious mind catches up later.

Much Love,



Great article about your experiences and also future! :)
Happy to have you here, Steem on!

Thank you. I wish you the best as well. ;)

Thank you so much for participating the Partiko Delegation Plan Round 1! We really appreciate your support! As part of the delegation benefits, we just gave you a 3.00% upvote! Together, let’s change the world!

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