If we want Steemit mass adoption we should let go of platform romanticism

in #steemit6 years ago

Building a neat and stable ecosystem takes time.

I don't really grasp how many people on Steemit draw that quickly a gloomy conclusion as to Steemit's success, and instead attest it failure.

What is important from my perspective is that we don't mistake a mass adoption of Steemit or cryptocurrencies in general as a move toward "higher collective Consciousness expression" (even though there surely are some very positive advancements coming along with the blockchain technology).

Yes, there are many people living from the Heart who found their way onto this platform at an early stage, opening for the abundance to come in on all levels once mass adoption takes hold, but when this happens Steemit will most probably not be known as a "Heart Consciousness platform" but just taking social media onto the next level where most people will post the same kind of stuff they posted for example on facebook only with the monetary incentive involved. So it might very well be that one day there will be selfie contests whereby the selfie with the most votes earns some money, exacerbating the displaying of egoism and superficiality of many people these days.

I see many people complain about Steemit's "unfair curation" or "hierarchical reputation system", but to be honest, I do believe that these factors are much more the ones which will contribute to the mass adoption of Steemit one day because hierarchy and competition is much more appealing to the mass Consciousness as of yet than equality.

Abandoning Steemit because our romantizised version of community is losing some of its airtightness is rather precarious. We cannot expect that the masses hold that Unity Consciousness. This would be more than a miracle!

From my perspective the fact that many people living from the Heart have found this platform so early on has never served the purpose of making this an airy-fairy place no "evil shall ever reach" but to give those kind of people the chance to silently create their foundation of abundance so that once the masses flock in a steadfast foothold will have already been gained for them. Otherwise, had the collective consciousness masses been the first ones to relish this platform, Steemit surely would have become a place particularly Heart-based people would have detested because of the monetization of what they would then call "extrovertive social media garbage taking ego consciousness onto a whole new level", not even to mention how difficult it would have become for them to integrate successfully in the first place.

So from my perspective, if we WANT mass adoption to take place we should let go of our overly romantic relationship with this platform and instead leverage the unique chance we have right now to to silently build our foundation until the masses arrive. But saying we want mass adoption while keeping the sheet of purest mutual kindness and love 100% intact is more than naive wishfulness. But that is just my opinion.

Enjoy yourself,



Share the same opinion. More so, I see that people use words and people have some deep wishes. And that what they say and what they realy wish is somehow not alligned. We talk to express our morality. But morality (aka saying "this is bad", "this is good", "this is bad",...) is not heart expression, it is consensus. Evolution has copied paterns of love and generated a primitive programm/codex from ist. Wich is just a shell. When we publicly call things bad which are per consensus "bad", other people applause us and the morality as a living organism gets stronger and stronger, taking the response-ability to react as an indiviual with true love from us.

spiritual correctnes > political correctnes

Great stance, thank you for sharing!

I think that when it is our most Hearfelt vision to see Steemit mass adoption then we have to compromise on certain levels. That doesn't mean of course that we need to fall into the other extreme immediately and make this platform hostile and full of spam but to accept that mass adoption virtually inevitably entails the signing up of people who post for self-promotion, selfies or just random stuff. This IS already taking place on the platform to some extend but this is from my viewpoint not collapsing the platform but one of the main keys to make mass adoption a reality. If we don't like that trend, ok, but then we shouldn't say we want mass adoption. We cannot expect the entire world to become "high-quality" bloggers.

There is no need to attempt to make the platform fit for certain type of people, because it is exactly this attempt which pushes away people. I think this even starts when people oversensitively downvote people who just write "I like your post" and dismiss it as spam.

Your words are written in the chain, so we are lucky!
Thanks a lot for your point of view!!

My thoughts are in the same direction! best regards!

Haha, good to know! Thank you :)

hierarchy and competition is much more appealing to the mass Consciousness as of yet than equality.

Sadly, true. We are fortunate to have so many of us here so early. And honestly, those who come later will also be fortunate we were some of the seeders. More conscious folks have some influence on the platform, even as it evolves, is always going to be a good thing.

Yes, opting for Love and Unity is the way to go, but sometimes we might become a bit reactive and unaccepting toward people who are still clinging to their ego consciousness. By strictly saying "we don't want that here" we are basically exercising unacceptance and power play on a higher level. We don't need to change others, but again, only balance ourselves. When somebody really displays rude behavior in their post, for example, then those writing "do-gooder comments" and complaining about that unruly behavior are actually the ones who amplify the power of the negativity spread by giving the poster exactly that attention they wanted. If nobody commented the "rude poster" would quickly become bored, so I believe. Too quickly we take things personally.

Very true. Fortunately I don't see a lot of that firsthand, but I hear about it secondhand quite a bit. The platform seems to be engaged in a self-definition phase. Everyone is trying to define what they think this place is supposed to be, sometimes defining that by what they think it is not supposed to be. Meanwhile, it is what it is. LOL

Haha, THAT would be a good start. Accepting the platform for what it is instead of placing it into boxes all the time.

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