A dopamine problem: The horrors of internet and smartphone addiction (as explained by Satan)

in #steemit8 years ago

Here's some more wisdom from South Park!

You know people are wired to use their smartphones today? 

You know how we just can't live without the internet, so much so we just FLIP OUT if the WIFI is down?!

And then there's distraction.

I don't know about you, but I've felt it myself. I clearly remember trying to watch a movie at home and I just couldn't stop checking my phone.

I was thinking, "WHEN is this movie going to end?"

And I thought again, "Wow. I don't remember ever feeling so bored all the time when watching a movie."

You feel me?

That's us having a dopamine problem. Check it!

Context: In this episode of South Park, Stan is addicted to a mobile app game. It's one of those silly pay-to-win (but you don't ever really win of course) games. Stan ends up spending a ton on the app and starts being worried about his addictive personality.

He prays to a higher power for help and Satan shows up instead.

I think this quote is brilliant as it applies to all of us.

We're so used to the convenience of smartphones and access to the internet these days that our need for entertainment is constantly there.

And what more, we yearn for FAST entertainment.

Instagram- We scroll to check out hundreds of pictures and videos quickly to see what other people are up to.

Facebook- We check our feed for the good stuff being shared widely, most of which are unfortunately clickbait garbage, which I bet you don't even read to the end.

Various entertainment/funny apps- 9GAG, Imgur etc. It's so easy to surf and indulge in tons of different entries.

YouTube- Random videos you don't really care for, but you clicked on them anyway because of the headline.

Steemit- Honestly, how many of you here are here to add real content with real value and contribute to the conversation and not simply vote or spam shit just for a quick payout? Don't tell me. Answer that yourself.

And it goes on.

It's all so fast.

And the saddest part is that a lot of us are subconsciously doing it without being aware of the problem. That is why we constantly check our phones for an update that doesn't even exist yet. We just hope for one all the time.

How about we slow down?

Try going to your local library and borrow a damn book. Read it. And immerse yourself in it.

Watch a movie and don't check your phone. Regardless of the genre of the movie, try to capture the nuances behind every scene and see what the director is trying to do.

Read long-form articles online, not clickbait. 

Talk to people without checking your phone. Go on a date and do the same. Create conversations!

Heck, just go out for a walk and just be alone. Look around you and discover new shit! I bet you'd be surprised with the little beauties you never thought existed in your own neighborhood.

A long time ago, a friend and I were talking about partying, drinking and clubbing. And he said this, "Of course clubbing is fun. It's the EASIEST way to have fun. You just need to have money, enter the place and buy a drink."

That's pretty much what you're doing to yourself with modern, technological, fast entertainment.

You're taking the easy way out.

And 'easy' is just too easy.

It may be fun, but it's never fulfilling.

How about you get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself for some long-term fulfillment?


Addiction...you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means..

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