A Healthcare ICO using Smart Media Tokens?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This is a thought experiment/discussion-opener, prompted by a conversation in the back of a taxi with @lrock about expanding my business.

A little background information:

  • I'm a homeopath.
  • I specialise in treating autism & have seen around 1000 cases of ASD so far with great results (i.e with many losing their autism diagnosis after a year of treatment)
  • I'm very busy & people need to wait several months to see me.
  • I had to stop marketing a while back as i couldn't service all the enquiries (in fact I don't even have time to reply to all my enquiries now).
  • There's an enormous number of people out there that could benefit from my method.

So, put all that together & the logical conclusion is: I need to increase the size of my clinic.

But how do I do this? My business model is beautifully simple: I'm 1 guy with a computer & an internet connection operating out of my house. It's a low-cost/high-return model, but it is limited by my time & energy. To grow this I'd need:

  • Some real estate
  • Support staff for admin, marketing & data collection
  • a training program/apprenticeship scheme for qualified homeopaths that want to learn my methods so they can work with me
  • A software solution to store the cases & data that needs to be collated. Although I think a centre is necessary, I also plan to use homeopaths working remotely. I need a way for their efforts to be collated, and a bookings/payment system. Currently I use a Virtual Assistant for my admin support, but it's not scalable.

Is there a way to utilise SMTs to finance this expansion? I'm loath to borrow money from a bank (if they'd even lend), nor am I particularly interested in paying a parasitic landlord £2000/month for office space + another £1000/month utilities/taxes for a year or two before hitting break even. It'll take time to build, but I currently earn £100 for every hour I work, and I've estimated that a larger clinic could be making £40 net profit per billable hour. The 'game' then becomes one of increasing the billable hours - I call it the John Grisham model.

Would this be something Steemians might finance? My results speak for themselves & are something reproducable (in fact I've trained close to 100 other homeopaths in the method this year so far through a combination of seminars & webinars). As I was saying to @lukestokes in the same taxi journey mentioned early, the results I obtain are waaaay beyond the placebo effect. Profound healing & changes are taking place with these kids. This is an incredibly important project to me - It's my little way of trying to save the world. I've shared many of my cases in earlier Steem posts and plan on many more to come, it would be great to see the number of children helped by this method to increase exponentially.

I see many side benefits coming out of this project - a growing body of evidence showing the efficacy of homeopathy, raising awareness in the wider world that an autism diagnosis isn't permanent, that in many cases these kids can be healed (note I'm using 'autism' to mean someone with serious mental & physical issues that would mean they need life-long care, not someone who's a bit 'quirky' or introverted).

Thoughts? Offers of collaboration or assistance? Advice?
I wouldn't expect this to be some sort of charity effort, more like an equity token that would pay dividends based on the profits of the company, perhaps in Steem.

Thank you.

Either: I'm a fraud, the parents of my patients are deluded....OR there's something incredibly important going on here.

p.s does anyone know why Steemit doesn't like my website & how to fix the link?!


oh man, this was the most exciting and probably even longest taxi ride I ever took. Thank you so much for your insights into homeopathy. I'm very glad that you went on with the idea. You presented it very concisely and I believe that this is a feasible thing to do.

Thank you. Yup might be my longest taxi ride too. Thank you, it's great to bounce my ideas off people. I'd love to find people interested in getting involved in the project.

Alan! First of all it was a huge pleasure spending time with you in Lisbon (and surroundings) :-)
Second, I like your way of thinking. Shouldn't we be able to design "everything" with the help of tokens?

Resteemed to get more people involved :-)

this is an amazing idea Alan. I fully support it. I have no money or brains, but if you need a clown at any time, you know where to call. Im sure I would really help raise the public opinion of homeopathy..... xp But seriously, I think this is awesome.

Thanks Basil...clowns always welcome :)


I'm just not sure where to go from here...next steps.

finish writing our white paper. Advertise it among the homeopathy community and our patients and then launch the coin? I'm certainly not at all knowledgeable about it. I can work to become more knowledgeable. I'm SOMEWHAT behind you on this.

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