Announcing Steemit Black Bank! ( An open Idea to all seekers )

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone on steemit! 

Because all wallets are opened to anyone want to take a look over. Some people (especially these whales) use it badly, they go to someone's wallet and start spying by reading memos and people with you dealt. The problem is not in taking a look. They try to look behind those transactions, in order to know the reason why B sends Steem to A.

This is not good!

Trying to expose someone's factors on decentralized community is crazy stupid thing, I know the reason why some people do this, because they want to be the first on #steemit and feel jealous when others grow up financially.

Here is some examples for that:

- You write a topic which talks about health; and instantly a commentator flies to make relation, connection with your wallet transaction and your topic. You see people who try to knock each other down!!

- You write an amazing fresh content, but you have dealt with a bad reputation steemian, so curators consider it before give your post the deserved value.

What is Steemit Black Bank:

I have been working along time to bring an idea that makes all members on steemit act freely without censorship.  That why I think this is the best idea to be free sending your coins to another account without fearing on your reputation or someone's spying. Steemit black bank means that you can make transactions with name of Steemit black name so that no one can look beyond black's wall . Instead of the receiver or sender. It protect all information about you and other accounts.

How does it work?

Steemit black bank will work basing on website and automatic script. When you send an amount STEEM or SBD, you do it as an exchange (such Blocktrades), but something different from that because here you pay no fees or exchanging to another currency. At the time you send the amount to receiver with memo you came with from based website, it automatically goes through Steemit Black Bank Account and redirect instantly to the objected account. What you are doing is just trying to overcome censorship of others.

Can Steemit Black bank has an effect on my account?:

Of course not, Steemit Black Bank Account will be used by all steemians who want to keep their senders and receivers secretly. So, it will be acknowledged by all people here. In another word "Hey!! that is my own special space", we are decentralized and we should respect others' area.

I haven't the ability to do this alone, so I suggest this idea to all unbiased people who have abilities such money, power to invent and bring it to light. All I can do is participate in building this community.

I want to help this community that why I try to think different.

Please discuss and encourage me if you feel I'm right. (make it in hot section in order to be read)

Merry Christmas

Images credit: 1, 2


Great Idea.

Upvoted and Resteemed for more readers!

Thanks Ashly! really appreciate it.

Thank you very much for the information merry christmas for you @ aimad97y your loved ones

Thank you for responding.

Keep in mind first: One can also just look into the account in question's replies.. See how the community is responding to what they say.

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