The Biggest Problem with Steemit? Everyone's a Hustler.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

OK. Once in a while, I will write a post out of, whatever, drunkenness, with near a bottle of wine finished to my lonesome. No, while tempted to post a pretty picture of (insert cool place I've been too here), I will instead talk about the shit (excuse the French) here for a minute that's been buggin' me for a long time.

Ok, straight to the point. Nobody gives a fucking shit about yours or anybody else's content. That's the Elephant in the room. I can write a fucking amazing 2k essay with 10 blazing photos that would plaster the NatGeo Magazines for a decade and nobody would fucking care (incidentally, I'm published in NatGeo). Yeah, peeps HERE will comment and maybe attempt to make it look like they care with a few borrowed sentences but it's all in the hopes that their 2-bit comment gets an upvote!

What's up with that man?

Not to be a dick but I have great hopes for this platform. Yeah, I want to quit my day job and write and blog here like there's no tomorrow but that's not going to happen at the state of things here. At least, on my blog ( people who find it does really want to read and engage on what's going on in the article/story without any incoming rewards (monetary) expected on their own.

Here, I get a dozen comments that are obviously repeated and generic in order for me to or somebody else to upvote said comments. And here's the thing, I sometimes upvote on said comments even if the generic commenter didn't have a clue as to what my article is talking about (spam). It's annoying.

Content? It's really subjective here. Make it seem like it's world-changing and bot vote fuck the hell out of it and try to make a profit. Just my observation and I'm frankly guilty with said actions. Again, I have my drunken moments where I will regret the day after and here's one for posterity's sake. When you throw money into the equation, you threw everything else under the bus. Content? Yeah?Sure? How much can I get out of it?

Fuck, nice content man! I said your shit is cool, now UPVOTE and acknknowledge that I said your shit is cool. Dig?

Carry on.


First of all I really respect your opinion and being so honest without censoring yourself but most likely to actually write down everything you think and feel. I'm pretty sure there are many of us who feel the same but let the things keep going..which probably is not the best choice everytime.

Now getting back to everything you've wrote..the only problem is that from what I see more than half of the people on here are coming only for rewards and don't even give a shit about their content. They only want money.

The problem is that they also don't give a shit about other's content too, nor about their efforts and the hours spent to create a qualitative post which is useful for many other users.

While many people are running away because of steem being down, too few are staying and keep doing what they love to do but the most of people who remained are spamming and begging, or just swinging from a post to another having no idea what's everything about. They only see a high reputation user and they are like "oh! Let's try and socialize with this one and who knows, if he returns with an upvote to my post I will be rich!" - but it all ends up with an "cool story", "nice article", "love it", "wow! I want there!" etc which sucks.

Or, bot vote it to the trending page and everybody wants a piece of the pie.

Yeah, that too. Forgot about this and actually this is a very important problem..

All very true particularly about people being away. It is interesting to see who is left however.

Yeah, I also tend to believe that it's a good opportunity to see better who is actually interested of the platform and not only about the damn rewards.

Good to say straight sometimes - I have the same feelings sometimes, asking myself - why to try and loose my time here, trying... I had really high hopes at the beginning, 8 months ago, the prizes were much bigger, much more things going on here and there - all because of high steem price - now - steem shows how much is worth for people or maybe how many people are worth someting here...
I am staying anyway, trying to share my thoughts, photos, stories - because there are a group of people who like it! I don't have preasure now on $$$ - didn't put my savings in here, I think it would be nice to have any extra income from Steem - to cover some of my spendings on travels, like a fuel... but I don't have hope it will happen any day soon.
My opinion is - just do Your blog, share what You like, interact with people - it is just another blogging platform and all of the people who are here only for money - they have problem right now - not me :)

This is a good perspective - try not to care about the monetary aspect, and put out content because you want to document things and create an interesting blog.

After a couple of years, i've found some interesting people to follow and I like to swing by for the feed i've created of good photographers, some insightful crypto analysis, etc.

Nice to hear that you are staying. Agree about the $. In the last month I have lost a lot of realistic control of my Instagram account following as the algorithm is now holding back my reach and requesting me promote my posts. People would come here for simply the distributed nature of it even if there was no financial rewards. It seems however that the $ blinds them to the other benefits in the short term. The network you build here is your own network; and no third party owns it or can take it away take it away or cut the reach with a simple change in algorithm. This is a huge difference.

I agree, there is no effort to payout ratio that can be relied on in Steemit. It can be frustrating when you put a crap load of effort into a post and almost nobody sees it, let alone upvotes it... I feel like there is a genuine community here trying to make steemit work and it could be an amazing platform for creatives but until a huge amount of people join the platform it will be a tough ride. The low price of steem will make it less attractive to new users expecting to make a few bucks but ultimately people are getting sick of the model associated with Facebook and Instagram and crypto is becoming more mainstream so I think it’s worth sticking with. It would be great if the whales that control large amounts of Steem concentrate on spreading their votes to those who appear to be here for the long haul producing quality content because ultimately their stock will grow with the content that is produced on the platform. 😉

I actually bought Steem when it was around $1.50 so now is even a great time to get in.

I also think there is a genuine underling community here trying to make it work with quality content. Its a numbers game. There are only 25 - 40k active daily users on here so its such a tiny pool to draw from at the moment.

You raise a really good point. I think in the beginning many try to do comments that appear to be sensible or are just a way to get votes.

I noticed in my own commenting behavior that I don't care about the votes anymore. They don't matter as much. So I comment when I feel like that the comment in itself has merits for me. Same as on any other social media site. But this might come from the privilege of being established on here.

The other way around I only follow a few people. And only content I care about. Which is often the pretty long, detailed stuff that took a lot of work and/or bravery and I like to upvote what I read.

I hope that many users will transition to a long term habit of being here for the people, not the money :)

I love this post. It is easy to get disillusioned with a new platform but you just have to look though the weeds for the flowers. I can't say its much different on Instagram these days either with all "love it" , "nice mood" and "PNW vibes" comments. There are people here who care. You just have to find them an engage them. As the platforms evolve and the communities features start rolling out it will become more real for people. I cant say I know of other platforms that are only 2 years old that are any better; but is where the real comparison is.

Yep, huge problem on Steem, I wrote about this as well and I got one sincere comment and that was thanks to a Steem monsters fan, that I got to know in discord. I am done travel blogging and vlogging (which we put countless hours in to make one), till things change (hopefully Smt's will do that) I am only delegating to meaningful projects (airclinic, Steenhunt, actifit.. ) and investing in monsters. I discovered that on discord you can have a real connection, the way it should be on Steem. For now it is only the monsters for me, will see how it goes.

I think most of the comments come from users who have multiple accounts and spam the heck out of everything south of the North Pole.

You truly right some of us on steemit really like our comments to be an upvote , and such comment will not tally bout the author content.... I pray steemit should he a better place ( everything is not about upvote).

Well. The fact that im reading your post with interest and agreeing with my head, makes your theorem invalid.

I read it already🤔🤔

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