Russia Goes Regulation In July !!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Crypto newsmen Russia Vladimir Putin signals obligatory cryptocurrency regulation will begin July 1st so July 1st my friends is when Russia will clamp down on crypto currency regulation and my hypothesis at this point in time would be that we may see an inflection over this news whether it's good or bad we're gonna see an inflection now here's the good hypothesis the good hypothesis I'm just gonna give you the TLDR right now but the good hypothesis is if that cryptocurrency regulation in Russia is let's just say light and opens up the doors for retail investment then we could see a massive influx of monies coming into the cryptocurrency market that would be the best-case scenario guys so let's check it out Russia's Vladimir Putin has signaled cryptocurrency regulation in the country should become law by July 1st this year 2018 according to official government publication of Parliament's kiyaah Gazette February 28th Putin has set in stone the release date for a regulatory package now called the digital asset regulation bill which first appeared last year its introduction will end years of uncertainty in which cryptocurrency along with investors of corporate and private lay in a gray area with local authorities in Russia take it taking various contradictory moves to decide which aspects of it were were and were not legal

last week a court in st. Petersburg annulled a law reenact enacted in July 2017 would suddenly ban the distribution of educational materials related to Bitcoin don't want to get people educated on Bitcoin now would we operation of cryptocurrency markets is linked to specific risks and a nationwide regulation in of this area is therefore essential parliamentary Finance Committee Janet and to not and not to Li asked of all ask ACK sykov said in an appraisal during a discussion late February

I will never get fluent in Russian names guys it just will not come off the tongue at the same time lawmakers in Moscow are currently preparing ICO and crowdfunding laws some key details of which continue to cause friction between the central bank and and government ministers according to the parliaments skya Gazeta the Central Bank of Russia specifically wishes to criminalize ICO token investments while the Ministry of Finance once regulation well if I had to choose between the two evils guys I would choose regulation over criminalization quote the central bank has come out against the legalization of this kind of digital currency in as much as citizens could then actively invest in instruments without considering possible risks I guess Russia wants to ensure that their public is well-informed before they invest in crypto currencies so guys once again this is a date to keep in your calendar I'm gonna be putting a calendar date notice online July first guys if this comes to pass you know how regulation works sometimes they miss the date but it's worth remembering guys that any type of regulation that will come out of Russia could create some inflections in the market we want to keep a close eye on this guys because if this comes out to be a positive thing for Bitcoin this could be the boon that we have been waiting for let me know your comments in the comment section below on your ideas around Russia in its regulatory stance coming down with the hammer maybe on July 1st 2018 and smash the like button for Mother Russia does the beats coin guys you Masha does the beat call

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