BAT- The Basic Attention Token!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

what is a basic attention token yes yes yes I know I know I know I mean guys honestly when I first heard of basic attention token I I thought it was gonna be something to deal with a attention deficit disorder or a temperate attention hyper or whatever whatever you want to call me I probably haven't I've never been diagnosed but I probably have it basic attention token has been pretty interesting project in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency more specifically this token is designed to transform digital advertising as a whole is the bold venture by the b8e team and the token has become a big part of their brave browser as well I'm a big fan of brave browser it is evident that digital advertising will need to undergo some big changes in the future but it remains to be seen if basic attention token holds the key in this regard so why does basic attention token matter well anyone who's ever open a web page in a browser will have seen some form of advertising along the way there's a growing amount of advertising on various websites and people off to rely on ad blockers to some to stop seeing them with basic attention token things are very different users can block ads completely pay to see different ads or simply view regular ads and earn b8e tokens or bat tokens as a result it's a give and take concept which seems to have worked quite well so far well how does it work under the hood basic attention token uses the ethereal blockchain to issue and distribute bat tokens this token can be freely exchanged between publishers users and advertisers with the bat token a wide range of advertising and attention based services can be obtained on the brave plant this token only works within the brave browser itself as it is not integrated into Chrome Firefox or Internet Explorer at this time whether or not that situation will change in the future is yet to be determined with so many middlemen involved in digital advertising the road ahead for a basic attention token will not be easy coming up the intermediate errs out all together will pose some big challenges but it makes sense to improve upon this model with blockchain technology with a native browser supporting basic attention token the project is off to a good start it blocks malicious advertisements trackers and rewards publishers in a fair manner based on the attention of its users hence the idea of basic attention speaking of monitoring user attention the brave browser does so in a non anonymous manner attention is measured in the form of ads viewed and content open in active browser tabs users viewing ads receive bats for their efforts and publishers will get the majority of revenue in the end it is a solution that works quite well for all parties involved how about we just stop being advertised to online how about that how about that because what's gonna happen is you're just gonna end up mining Mineiro most of all the most of all most of the more common browser plugins do not work in brave as of yet but it is possible that things will change for the better in the coming years or months and look at the bat roadmap well some interesting changes will be coming for basic attention token in the future for one improved anti-fraud measures and dashboard analytics are coming to publishers and users shortly there is also a plan to scale real ad revenue more than the team wants to integrate basic attention toget into even more applications based on open source projects with ad buying leverage it will be interesting to see how this project evolves but things are slowly falling into place as we speak once again guys when these things cross my desk I have to really be intrigued by it and I'll tell you one of the things that I'm not intrigued by its advertising mostly because well we don't advertise and I get demonetised all the time and ad advertisements for me are just a pain in the butt that's all they are they're just a pain in the butt and frankly I'm not incentivized to engage with advertisers ever there's no I don't think there's ever been a time when I'd say you know what I think I really want to watch this commercial and you know not only that I really would love to watch this commercial and get paid to do it no I don't think I've ever thought that ever I don't think there's ever been a time when I went wanted to engage that advertising and with the whole incentivization that they have built into the bat token model of getting back tokens for engaging my attention into advertising I don't think that's ever could become gonna be a thing at least for me let me repeat this I don't think I could be wrong I don't think this will ever be a thing for me that I will literally want to watch an advertisement and get paid in tokens I've got too much shit to do guys I got too much shit to do so I'm gonna throw this right back to you guys in the Bitcoin not pub or the comments section below let me know why you're intrigued or interested in basic attention token and why I am wrong I could be wrong now if you're looking for money to make money on the back token pump-and-dump see all more power to you but for me digital advertising is not something about it I'm interested in & smash the like button for advertising and probably just trying to remove as much of that as humanly possible because in the end of days most advertising is just gonna be my name on arrow

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