12 Weirdest Bizarre Animal Stories ✔

in #steemit7 years ago

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5 _ Popcorn Flavored Bearcats
This creature found in Southeast Asia is called a Binturong, though their nickname is bearcats, despite them being neither bear nor cat, pretty cute mammal right? Well, these little Asian furry fellas are as cute as they are bizarre, turns out their pee smells like movie theatre buttered popcorn! How weird is that? According to a study published in April of 2016, this strange scent of weewee is actually caused by a chemical compound in their urine called 2-AP, which is just so happens is the same substance found in freshly made popcorn which gives it that yummy intoxicating smell. When a popcorn kernel heats the proteins and sugars cause a chemical reaction creating the strange 2-AP compound. Proving once again that Nature, you so weird.

4_ Disco Spider!
See this image here, looks like a snake's head doesn't it? Well, it's actually a spider! This unique crazy looking arachnid from the forests of Singapore may be a new species of spider, those strange looking blobs pulsate and turn colors in a swirling maddening disco ball looking effect on its abdomen! However, no one in the scientific community has any idea how the little creepy crawler is doing it or why. There are several theories, it could be using these bizarre color combination patterns to confuse aggressive hungry predators, it could be a usual way of attracting potential mates, perhaps this pulsating spider has a unique digestion system. So far, no one has yet to solve the puzzle of the disco spider, but it sure makes for some strange looking psychedelic pictures and videos!

3 _ Rise of the 2-Headed Sharks
This crazy looking two-headed blue shark was found in the Indian Ocean back in 2008 and he's not the first or last of his bizarre spliced kind. In the Mediterranean Sea, a two-headed embryo of an Atlantic sawtail catshark was discovered. There was a mutant two-headed water beast found in the Caribbean, along the shores of California, around the coastline of Australia and another two-headed shark fetus has popped up in the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida Keys. Scientists have a long list of ideas and theories but no defiant explanation for these strange multi-headed creatures. Many point to pollution or radiation as the culprits, others say viruses or genetic tampering, some contend they are simply natural flukes of nature. The strongest circulating theory is overfishing and genetic disorders. But the real question should be, how do two-headed sharks taste and could this be a new form of sushi?

2 _ Zombie Parasites!
Okay this one is an insect, not really an animal, but hey, close enough right! Beware, there's a parasitic fungus which has powers of mind control and it's coming to get ya! Well, so far this strange Vampiric parasite species only seems to be attacking forest ants to fulfil their ominous bidding, for now anyway! This strange teeny tiny creature will embed itself into an unsuspecting ant and then release a fungus which will fill an ant’s head with creepy fungal cells which will effectively change the ant's muscles and bend the insect to its whims! The poor mind-controlled zombie ant will then go where the fungal parasite wants, finding an ideal ecosystem, the zombified insect will bite down on a leaf and slowly waste away. It is then that this strange inner demonic entity will makes its finishing move! The ant will corrode away as a weird fungus stalk will burst out of the ant's head, releasing its hideous spores into the atmosphere. Those spores will spread out, carried by the wind to their next unsuspecting victim! There’s also reports of zombified caterpillars, watch out, looks like their evil powers are growing!

1 _ Monkeys Using Tools!
Some worry that monkeys may be evolving and the battle of the planet of the apes is right around the corner. The reason? Several recently published stories of chimps creating and using tools as well as weapons. Several chimpanzees observed in the African Savanna have been spotted fashioning sticks into spears and using these makeshift weapons to hunt smaller mammals. Other studies show these advanced monkeys using these crude spears to fish and hunt bugs which live inside trees. Several apes, in the Amazon have been seen creating hammer-like rocks to break open cashew nuts, these smart hungry monkeys will place the hard shell on a large stone and pound the nut out with a small roundish stone. Some of these chimps will even stash their hammer rocks inside trees to return later with fresh cashews. Other apes have been witnessed using plant tools, one report tells of a wild gorilla using a twig to fish ants out of a nest. Could these crude tools be an early sign of chimps entering into a new stage of evolution? Only time, and more planet of the apes sequels will tell

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