ACOM DVD Dividend Day 9/9/21 - DELAYED

in #steemit3 years ago


All TRX Dividend Payments Delayed

As many of you know by now there is a major problem with either Tron interfaces, including the Steemit wallet and Tronscan, or the Tron blockchain. Despite sending out two posts now as well as asking around extensively on Discord and around Steemit we have not been able to obtain an answer informing us when the problem with the Tron blockchain can be fixed.

Our daily TRX rewards our still being claimed and we assume will be added to our balance at some stage very soon. But because we can not see the transactions or an accurate balance we are unable to calculate how much TRX we have generated in the past week. We are therefore unable to send out the TRX for your dividend payments as usual.

We apologise to all ACOM DVD holders, we are very sorry that we can not send out your TRX dividend payments right now, but we hope you can appreciate this is beyond our control. Do not worry so long as the Tron blockchain eventually corrects itself all transactions should update, we will then be in a position to calculate how much needs sending out to investors.

It is frustrating for us that despite extensive efforts to locate a member of the Steemit Development Team or the Tron Development Team that we have not been successful. We have also sent a number of messages to people who might be able to help us but who have not responded as yet, we await their response.

We know this will disappoint but your TRX payments will not be missed and will be paid as soon as the Tron blockchain is functioning correctly again. Just so you know there is no issue with ACUV payments and all investors who have qualified for ACUV this week have now received their ACUV tokens.

Hopefully guys this problem will be fixed very soon but for now we just have to be patient.

Come on Steemit and Tron you can do better than this. Inform the community what's going on!

The ACOM Team



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We accept your apologies team Acom. I want to assure you that virtually all ACOM DVD holders and probably everyone on the blockchain is aware of this issues by now and they understand its beyond the user's control and only the Tron Devs can help out here.

There's no really need for apologizing because we dear Acom holders understand and know that the teams cares a lot about its investors and would never intentionally delay its dividend payments. But notwithstanding, thanks for keeping us updated and rest assured that we will still get the dividend payment when the issue gets fixed.

Stay positive Team ACOM!

Hey @k-banti, what a very nice comment to leave us, thank you for that. Thank you also for your understanding and yes we're all about staying positive that's for sure!

I'm glad you found it nice. You're welcome 👍🏽

hello dear friends @acom good afternoon
I think that the vast majority of people are aware of what is happening with tron, therefore it is not a reason for your concern, we understand that it is a foreign problem.
However, thank you very much for this information.
I wish the whole team a splendid afternoon

Hey @jlufer thank you very much for your understanding, let's hope everyone else can be just as considerate as you are. Of course as soon as we know when the problem will be fixed we will let everyone know.

Esperemos que pronto se solucione este inconveniente, sabemos que ustedes como equipo hacen un buen trabajo. Sólo toca esperar.

Saludos ☺️

Greetings friends @acom

Have to wait, maybe it is a partial measure to limit the amount of TRX to the market, we move on. Hopefully soon this inconvenience will be solved.

i wonder why no reply from anyone

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