Steemit and Bitcoin don't care if you like them or not, Steemit and Bitcoin and decentralized so it doesn't matter what government or people say or do, people and governments come and go but Math and Technology stick around and so will cryptocurrency!

in #steemit7 years ago

So while I was writing a dark reply to @faisal79 on my last post, and seeing many people around the world exclaiming their congratulations for what I have... I realize that I should be working harder and that I should be more grateful and that I should show my appreciation by making posts to encourage more people to invest in steem and bitcoin. What I feel is a very small success on my part, is actually a big success for many humans on this planet, but in my country I am making a very low income in the lowest class and I get caught up in the mass illusion and feel poor. But this is all relative and it's all in my head and I have to shake it off. Also I have to realize that steemit allows me to make as much money as I want but I have to work hard to achieve it! So I accept that it is 100% my fault for being lazy and I could make more if I wrote more posts and worked harder on steemit and social media marketing for my account but I am being lazy and I hate it and want to work harder! But while writing the reply it made me realize that I should be taking advantage of the opportunities in my country, and I also live in a wealthy city San Diego in a wealthy state California, so I have no excuses! Here are infographics showing the number of millionaires in this country and state of California in the USA

I should be working harder because so many would be not wasting a second if they could switch with me and have a chance to live here! This feeling of knowing that the world is happening without me and seeing others continuing to make hundreds of dollars everyday made me realize that Steem (and Bitcoin) don't NEED us and there will always be someone willing to support such an advanced system and make money off it! Bitcoin doesnt need or care about China or ANY government since its DESIGNED to be independent of any central government! Remember guys?? That was the whole POINT of bitcoin! Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Steem cannot be manipulated and will be continuing the Network Effect! So I need to continue working and continue making money and not fall into the collective FUD which DOES effect some of us! I must admit that when Bitcoin prices crash I go on Steemit trending and I feel jealous and envious about the people making more than me but i HAVE TO SNAP OUT OF THAT!

It's a TERRIBLE viewpoint to be jealous of other people's income on steemit because it's pointless and there's plenty of people making MUCH more money but steemit is just transparent enough to actually SHOW it! People make money everyday at their jobs and we just don't see their paychecks but with steemit everything is out in the open so of course people have opinions about what they can SEE but are silent about the income they don't see in front of their face! If Facebook showed people's income on their Walls people would be making all sorts of comments about it! Also I forget that I am internet friends with some of the users on trending making these hundreds of dollars per post and I should be HAPPY for them! But I start viewing Steemit like a Minnow beginner would and I slip back into the jealous perspective of feeling poor and powerless and jealous after seeing how much money SOME users make and I have to snap out of it and you do too if you're also feeling this way! So yeah I recently felt this way as Bitcoin lost value a few days ago and I felt bad about not having done much work on steemit recently, but I snapped out of it and realized that I can make as much as I want here if I do the work! ANYONE can get a whale vote if they work hard enough so please learn from this story if you are new and JUST WORK HARD you WILL get paid and then you won't feel left out! And if you've already tried and it didn't work just accept that YOU are doing something wrong or haven't done enough to promote your post to the right people and need more time and more work! But I have too much opportunity here, both online with steemit with my 2700+ followers AND all the offline real world opportunities here in San Diego, California, USA where many people with money need my advice on how to turn thousands into millions!

I just saw this video about what $1 million US dollars can buy you around the World:

And it showed me that there are 13.55 Million Millionaires in the United States:

So within the USA we have a virtual nation of millionaires because 13.5 Million people is larger than many nations! And I cannot WAIT to join this club! And you should all be working hard to save up a few thousand dollars in steem and bitcoin, and you too will be a millionaire in the next few years, its a TICKET to the future! But remember that steem and bitcoin don't NEED us to believe in them! Steem and Bitcoin are the FUTURE and the FUTURE doesn't NEED us! People and governments come and go but Math and Science stick around and so will cryptocurrency! Crypto is like Electricity or the Automobile, they are here to stay!

It won't matter who supports bitcoin and it won't matter who is against it! Remember what happened to Bit-Torrent when governments and record industries tried to stop it? No one could stop file sharing and the same is happening with Bitcoin! We are now at a point where the big banks MAY even attempt to get governments to SHUT DOWN bitcoin like the war on drugs but this may not happen because the governments of the world KNOW it's pointless to attempt prohibition! But when centralized exchanges are shut down people will simply use decentralized exchanges and they KNOW this so the governments don't want to create a darknet marketplace for cryptocurrency itself where people are trading illegal cryptos like drugs, that would just get too ridiculous. I really do believe Chinese government officials are wanting to simply bring crypto markets down low so they could buy Bitcoin for themselves at low prices. And the talk of shutting down exchanges is just really about regulating the exchanges and preparing them pay all sorts of new crypto taxes because they KNOW how unstoppable this technology is but they have to basically shut them down and make them HAPPY to pay taxes just to get a "license" to make money again because exchanges are such easy money for creators! Governments will use Bitcoin.

Even Switzerland is accepting Bitcoin for Taxes!

So they can't have it both ways! You can't have Bitcoin be a Ponzi Scheme but at the same time have Switzerland allowing you to pay Taxes in Bitcoin, that means the Swiss are helping a ponzi scheme! Well let's not even go there LOL Anyway it's pretty amazing that we are hearing so much fear and doubt about a technology that is simply able to send and receive money FAIRLY and the fact that it has gone up in value, it shouldn't upset people so much! If Bitcoin didn't go up in value as much as it did there would be no one interested in it and it would not be a problem for the powers that be. The intelligent people in power simply buy Bitcoin and have a stake in the future. Once lightening network and segwit wallets and exchanges are all updates we will have extremely cheap bitcoin transactions again and people will be able to move around money fast and cheap again, and bitcoin is simply waiting for this....we will have many options, bitcoin cash, litecoin, steem, but soon bitcoin transactions will have the lightening network segwit upgrade and we will have fast and cheap BTC transactions again! I hope you all understand how this will allow Bitcoin to continue to grow when people see how you can use it for microtransactions again.

Here is the Google Trends page for Bitcoin

And as you can see, the trend is STILL going strong! You should all be using THIS as a measure of how POPULAR Bitcoin is becoming and REMEMBER my old steemit posts about how there are only a few million bitcoin users worldwide but we have a few BILLION internet users! So as we keep getting more users on Bitcoin the price will just KEEP going up! And yes it can go up 1000 times from $1000 each at the beginning of the year to $1 Million dollars each in a few years! This is because we were only around 1 million active users at $1000 Bitcoin and so 1 billion active bitcoin users can get us to $1 million dollar bitcoin! And we only need to go up 200x from $5000 to get to 1 million! When we are at $10,000 bitcoin it will only need to go up 100x to get to $1 million!

This chart is from Jan 2017 and in all the places where The Internet still has a ways to reaching full penetration are the same places where Bitcoin will also be used because when people are JUST getting online they won't have any other way to accept or send money online unless they are using Bitcoin or crypto, it's just easier than trying to setup a bank account etc, and many of them will use phone credits but which only work in their region, ALSO bitcoin is a one world currency that can be used instead of having to use like 4 different currencies in some places so just the DEVELOPING world will grow Bitcoin's price even if it becomes illegal in China (which is unlikely) but there will always be someone willing to accept bitcoin and crypto!

Here is that Bitcoin Graph from Google Trends but this time showing the last 12 months

So it's popularity is stronger than ever and it's all over the world! I'm glad to see African countries like Nigeria where @xpency is in, and Ghana with @tj4real @richforever @mcsamm and @ortigas100 and so they are going to be part of the new African Crypto super class! And if Bitcoin is being mined and hosted and used all over the world it doesn't matter who tries to stop it, it will always be used somewhere and so there will always be Bitcoin being used somewhere!

Now let us type in Steemit to the Google Trends! OH WOW look at this!

I am now going to have to do a whole POST about how Steemit is showing up as the top place searching for Steemit on Google! Hmm Ok so this is just the past 12 months, but If I show the last 5 years (showing the last year and a half since steemit came out) we see that Nepal becomes the #1 country for steemit search hmmm

I wonder if this is because the Chinese use nepal as a VPN point of entry maybe? Very interesting that Nepal likes steemit since nepal is reported to have the happiest nation on Earth with the highest numbers on the Happiness Index . Also now we can see the two spikes of steemit popularity. First spike last year when Steemit came out and in the summer the steem was issued and people went cray cray and steem went to $4 and then slowly dropped down to below 10 cents around march and then back up to $1 and $2 almost $3 and then back down to $1 and here we are! But look at the recent spike in popularity! We should be seeing a spike in the price of steem as people come to Steemit as an extra way to make money online during a Bitcoin pullback (people get used to making a lot of money fast with Bitcoin and when it slows down they seek solutions like Steemit which I believe will be reaching its "tipping" point soon! These Google Trends numbers prove it! And our Alexa Ranking is also equally impressive! So there are ALWAYS more p[eople to show Bitcoin and Steemit! There is always going to be new people who will find out about crypto! And when people find out about Bitcoin they learn about Steem and steemit! So it's just a matter of time :)

Thanks to user @tytran for the Steemit Hat and the Steem Tshirt and the 8000 SP! I just got 2700 followers and will be posting a lot more now.

Join the San Diego, Ca Steemit Club if you are in San Diego and want to start Meetups and Represent Steemit at Local Business events Job Fairs etc.

Invest in Steem and Bitcoin because of the technology! Remember that you cannot have Blockchain without Bitcoin, and as Bitcoin goes up it takes Steem with it, but Steem can achieve a degree or independence with Steem to USD pairs on exchanges, and also our own exchange within steemit, our internal exchange simply needs Bitcoin Ethereum and Altcoins and can maybe be integrated into the steemit wallet, don't worry it's all coming! Steemit will have it's own Fiat Steem BTC and altcoin exchange, a gateway for fiat, maybe even an adhoc exchange where local users meetup with each other? Either way we will end up with these new features and a new official steemit App and new Subreddit type "communities" and community issued assets, tokens, steemit ICOs all on the steem blockchain, even the Interface will be upgraded and look nice but now you'll all be using the steemit App like the way people use Instagram! So Steemit is about to reach it's tipping point so get your steem now while you can because steem won't always be undervalued, many large players will be learning about Bitcoin and crypto soon and when they do they always end up learning about Steemit!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Very good statistics and very nice post @ackza
Keep steeming..

Bitcoin can only be manipulated by Lucifer.

Excellent statistics, and cognitive post. Thank you.

We have to ignore Govt and those who bullying Crypto currencies :) we love it we invest it , we gain our wealth..

As for the statement you are correct ,those are pretty small obstacles which is common in crypto market nevertheless Bitcoin is gonna go higher and higher and in near future when giants like millionaires enters the Crypto market not only Bitcoin but Steemit is gonna Hype in huge number :)

Great Inspirational Post, @ackza!
My son and I were talking about the negative impact of the China BTC ban,
and he has proposed selling off, keeping cash and buy back at the bottom.
I told him the Steem should be pretty much immune, so I am staying in it.

In my opinion if you already have bitcoin, don't sell and hope to buy back at the bottom because it is impossible to time the market. Smarter people than me have tried and failed so I stopped trying. Having said that, I did timed it (or rather, called it) perfectly this past Friday morning at $3000 but missed it "because I had to go to work". It was a hectic day at work so I didn't even check the prices. By the time I got home, it was back up at $3700. My wife said that "because I had to go to work" was an excuse, as I could have called in and said that I would be late while I buy the $3000 worth of bitcoin in the morning then get to work late. That one bitcoin would later turn into $3700 in the span of 8-10 hours. So there you go, Zach, even someone like me who works 8-10 hour days can't even use work as an excuse when I saw an opportunity like that. Of course the circumstances could have been the opposite and BTC could have dipped further to $2300 by the time I was off of work and I would have said "good thing I had to go to work otherwise I would've been down $700" (notice I didn't write "lost $700" because you only lose when you sell).

As always this is not financial advise and only trade and invest with money you can afford to lose.

you have to trade on your phone during bathroom breaks at work! You should be able to use bittrex pretty fast and for anyone who doesn't know, to trade Bitcoin to Dollars on Bittrex or poloniex you use the USDT and you sell your bitcoin for tether and tether is always set to $1. USDT Tether even has smartphone apps and can let u send money to ur bank account after a bunch of verification lol your better off selling the tether back for bitcoin to then cash out locally etc to stay out of any paperwork or using bitcoin ATM or just keep the bitcoins honestly! So what I mean is (and this gets very abstract and dealing with money in an intangible fashion) you can sell the bitcoins for tether to cash out and keep the US dollar amount of funds that you had in Bitcoin while bitcoin was up around $4500 or $4000 and then you wouldn't have bitcoin but Tether....and its traded on Poloniex and Bittrex...then u sell that for tether to buy Bitcoin, on that same screen where you sold the bitcoin to buy tether, u just go back when bitcoin is super cheap and so u end up getting to buy a lot more bitcoin while BTC is cheap, then now you would have made a lot more money of course this is all with hindsight

but if u ever want to sell your bitcoin for US dollars Digitally without having to use coinbase or a Bank or Cash you just sell the bitcoin for Tether on Bittrex or poloniex...its a way to stay safe from crypto loosing value because Tether is actually Backed up 1:1 with real dollars! see? they have a crazy banking auditing system that allows millions of dollars to be kept in the marketcap of tether and if they want more tether they have to have the dollars to back it up, and you can cash out your tether for dollars on the tether website linking it up to a bank account without any fees and they do have a little bit of an issue with keeping the exact price of a US dollar which is a phenomenon with trading etc i know they are backed up 1:1 and yet tether still can somehow loose value some say they created 20 million new tether out of thin air and maybe didnt get the US dollars to back them up (hah a crypto currency backed up by a fiat dollar thats just digitally created out of thin air LOL)

anyway tether is super interesting and i can see tether finding a BUNCH of crazy uses that people havent even realized yet maybe allowing tether to become bigger than just a tool for bitcoin users top park us dollar amounts....

Actually tether might be useful on its own since you can use it to send money back and forth as easy as a crypto currency but without any risk its just US dollars, most stable currency on earth, and you can get people to accept Tether as the digital dollar so that people can have more freedom and not have to use Venmo or paypal app to send and receive cash digitally because using tether you get to send US dollars online that can be sent to a Bitcoin exchange!!!!

@tytran and @ackza, things happen so fast in crypto that in a close and open of an eye things are turned around. Have you realized I mentioned you both in my latest post. When you have the chance, tell me your comments, thoughts. Here is is: . @gold84

@ackza This is one of the Best Postings that I have read concerning the FUTURE of Bitcoin and STEEM. I Love the Positive Attitude. I like you am at a point in my life that I just know in my gut that Crypto will help bridge the entire world. I certainly UP Voted this and Followed. Thank You for this Great Sunday Posting.

nice compliment since you joined august 2016! I hope you can start making more posts so you can get more steempower and you're upvotes on my posts can earn me more steem! everyone should understand how Incentive drives steemit and on youtuber no one cares how much money their subscribers make, but on steemit the more money your followers make, then the more you get to make when they upvote you with that extra steempower!
So heres 20 cents! lol i hope everyone gets to the point where they can give out more and more money, few people opt for steempower but when they do and start to use steemit they start to see the power! like how I made 13 Steempower last week just from curation so from upvoting others posts i made money! It was because i had the extra 8k SP delegated to me by @tytran from @minnowbooster so what I learned from having 10,000 steempower was that it got me to 13 Steempower in a week just from CURATION or Upvoting good posts, but I could have tried hard i bet i could have gotten 100 Steem or over $100 for curation if i had upvoting even more high quality posts and scoured the pages of

@ackza I read all your post, it was huge but as all your comments and post they have a big significance, and hope many people read this, so they can benefit about the growth in the next months, years. I believe the same as you and @tytran that cryptocurrencies are unstopable. No governments or banks or opposites can avoid them from being the future in technology and they will disrupt all and each areas and industries. @gold84

Thanks @ackza , I am reesteeming this post now! @gold84

If every millionaire bought just 1 Bitcoin there would be none left..

You are absolutely right. American millionaires alone would scoop up more than 60% of bitcoin if each millionaire buys only 1 bitcoin.

So get some now before they will become too expensive to allow most to be able to afford a single bitcoin!

And also if more millionaires held their longeterm wealth in bitcoin aka more Hodlers, more people holding and nevr selling then the price goes up!

As bitcoin goes up in price and we have trillion dollar market caps then the millions of dollars held by the millions of millionaires, aka the trillions of dollars, would yes also be capable of buying all the bitcoin so bitcoin will be in the quadrillions and it should very well be in the trillions to be used as a global asset class....there are quadrillions in digital dollars derivatives etc and those have to be converted to crypto to hold onto them, man it is going to be an adventure and we will find out just how much money there really is in the world.....people really need to save up enough money to buy just 1 bitcoin and hold onto that 1 bitcoin and never sell it!

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62567.98
ETH 2460.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62