The upside down perspective of Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

February, this year, was the month I joined the Steem platform, community or whatever we like to call it in our everyday interactions around here and for more than six months I've been pretty active with posting commenting and why not upvoting into it. My posting activity got a bit weaker for about a few weeks, but nothing keeps me away too much from Steemit as I always have something to write and share with you. I remember though how full of potential, especially in earning tokens, I saw Steemit back in the days and how trustworthy seemed a lot of strategies that some of the old users shared with the newbies to help them be successful and become some point in time.

I can't say that everything that I read or heard on this topic was absolutely a mine gold or just complete garbage to fill a page, but in my opinion out of those many posts some misconceptions rose which might actually get some users into fog and make them chase butterflies instead of STEEM tokens. Or not. Depends on how much one is eager to chase butterflies or mine STEEM. So, in this late hot summer post I will point out my four misconceptions about Steemit and why I think they're just misconceptions and not facts or tips and tricks. It's probably that you wont agree with me and that would be great considering that we are conscious individuals and not XEROX copies. So let's see what the summer Santa has in his bag.


1. You have to post X times a day

That's my first misconception. The one that I heard about from Jerry Banfield I guess on youtube months ago and the one that is meant to make you the tiny winy blogger a big start around here and that's where the big spam also begins. Because, you know you have to be active and post every X hours a day. Now don't get me wrong, I am perfectly aware that in order to get people to know you and read you in here, there is the need to put some words on the paper pretty often and when those words flow like the beautiful Danube does it doesn't matter if you post once a day or five times a day. You will be read and upvoted. But trying to maintain a number of posts everyday to fit some nonsense target is just a pain in the ass and the perfect recipe for flooding STEEM's blockchain. IMO.


2. You have to make it long to be a quality one

Looks like almost every topic we tackle there must be some size divergences and ideals to be discussed. From what I've read in the beginning of my Steemit activity most of the tips and recommendations of the kind were pointing to long articles as being qualitative ones, which is the second misconception in my opinion. Not that the long ones are a waste of time to read, but they're of course not the definition of quality. As I said previously I believe quality is in the eyes of the beholder. Diversity is one of our magical defining characteristics as a species and one that makes Einstein's relativity make sense. If for example you're gonna share with us a great vacation that you had in some beautiful place where you took tens of pictures with almost the same amount of stories linked to them then by God do make a long post, but when you just have some news to share or speak about Bitcoins price, keep it simple and sort. We get the point. Some posts are meant to keep you ten minutes in front of the screen reading while others say everything in just one and you don't even need to upload pictures. Don't mix them dear newbie who reads this...


3. Follow the trends

That's what I hated the most in my entire life. To be in tune with everyone. And that's some other big misconception that some are promoting in their Steemit courses. These from which the newbie learns right from his first steps that he needs to follow the herd in order to get attention so what does he do? Goes directly to the trending page. The worst advertising page for Steem, the blockchain. IMO. There are good posts on that page also, but there are enough of them misleading new users on what is the trending in quality and Steemit success and what would be the best idea to write about. In my opinion the best idea would be to write your own pages with your own opinions and if possible using your own pictures, but since perfection doesn't exist we might need to mix a bit. Thus I consider that whatever makes one person loose track on time while writing, like I am doing now, or recording as a video is his/her perfect trend to follow and possibly make some splash around here. Almost every one of us has something to say so why do we need to squeeze ourselves in others trends? I've seen some of them since I am around here and they're always change forcing the new blogger to always keep up with the trend, whether is crypto news, Steem monsters or whatever. However, being ourselves doesn't require any use of force to bend over and takes completely away the probability of sounding like someone else.


4. Steemit is not a job

Since there is no company to hire someone and pay him/her a monthly income to be active on the platform than yeah we could say that it is not a job, but that doesn't mean it can't provide a good income for a good and smart blogger. When I say good blogger I am referring to that person that does this blogging thing well enough, got himself some wealthy followers, got himself on some Steem auto and is posting pretty regular on the platform. This way some good amount of tokens will enter his/her wallet on a daily basis( when posting daily) so the activity of a Steemit blogger comes pretty close to a job. Well, not a full time one in most of the cases, but pretty close to an extra. The achievemnt of that involves the smart variable that I mentioned above also. In order to make the most out of the Steem tokens earned patience is required because if one sells Steem at $7-10, considering that he/she is a pretty good blogger earning let's say about 10 tokens a day, will average about $70-100 a day from his Steemit job, but if one sales the tokens every month will have to deal with prices of 90 cents per token, like we currently have for example, selling his work for pennies. Once stacked in a wallet and traded at a good price the blogging work will be rewarded.


Now, this hot summer day is seeing its burning sun on the other side of the heel so I am gonna follow the sunset and not make the post longer than it is. Don't want to much quality attributed to it :). I would like to hear your opinion on the topic though and read about other misconceptions also, if you have see any. There's always room for improvements of course and the best improvement we can have in any area is through communication. So, let the words flow in the comments section. There's enough blocks to host them for like...hopefully eternity.

Source of images:

Thanks for your attention,


Really a nice shot!

At least I tried...

@acesontop Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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