Jangan pernah menghina islam..!!! # ( do not ever insult Islam .. !!!)

in #steemit7 years ago

اسلاام عليكم ورحمةالله


( INDO...)
Saudaraku yang seiman dan seagama yaitu agama islam. Pada kesempatan ini saya disini menyapa saudara semua, kita yang sudah bergabung dalam steemit ini ketahuilah bahwa kelompok-kelompok kafir yang memusuhi sudah mulai bermunculan, mereka sudah menampakkan tanduk untuk menyeruduk agama kita secara perlahan. Seperti @lexiconical dalam postingannya https://staging.busy.org/@lexiconical/uk-murder-27-in-2017-govt-determined-to-ruin-what-s-left-by-embracing-islam.
Dan @kongen dalam postingannya https://staging.busy.org/@kongen/firing-my-account-up-make-a-comment-and-get-account-views-here .

Kalian percaya atau tidak, itu sudah mulai terjadi. Saya ingin memperingatkan, kita di steemit bukan ingin menjadi penjilat dan bukan ingin menjadi sampah seperti yang mereka katakan. Dengan memuji dan bangga kepada kafir iman aqidah kita sedikit demi sedikit hilang, mereka sudah mengatur strategi untuk menghancurkan iman orang islam..!! Mereka musuh Tuhan yang sebenarnya..! Allah akan murka bila mereka kita bela, mereka yang sudah menghina, yang sudah menghujam islam dengan kata-kata pantas kita marah, pantas kita membenci, wajib kita perangi.!! Wahai kaum muslimin, bukan steemit yang menentukan makan kita, bukan steemit yang yang memberi kita harta, tapi ingatlah Allah yang menentukan segalanya. Saya bergabung di steemit bukan untuk mengemis makanan, tetapi memperkuat ikatan saudara. Menjalin perdamaian. Membangun sebuah kekuatan. Kenapa sekarang saya baru bertindak..? Karena dalam waktu ini kalian kafir yang murka tuhan sudah mulai menghina dan melecehkan agama kami..kalian harus mengerti,, islam yang sebenarnya tidak melakukan hal bodoh, islam yang sebenarnya tidak memperkosa, islam yang sebenarnya tidak membunuh bila bukan dalam peperangan..!! Kalian harus mengerti hal itu. Kalian harus mengenali islam seperti apa, islam yang sebenarnya bukan pengemis, mereka bukan penjilat dan mereka bukan sampah. Tapi yang melakukan hal bodoh adalah islam penyamaran seperti penyusup kedaerah-daerah kalian, yaitu ISIS. Mereka merubah islam yang sebenarnya..! Maka kalian harus mengenal siapa orang islam yang sesungguhnya. Jangan pernah kalian mengajak perang, karena kalian tidak akan menang dan kami tidak akan kalah, Tuhan yang sebenarnya akan memberi kami kekuatan , yaitu Allah..bukan tuhan bodoh seperti yang kalian kira.tuhan yang bisu, tuhan tidak bisa apa-apa, tuhan yang tidak bisa bergerak, bagai mana akan menolong kalian untuk dia sendiri tidak mampu apa-apa, tuhan yang bukan siapa-siapa melainkan benda mati yang bisu. Maka bila kalian igin perang, kami sudah siap, bila kalian ingin perdamaian kami akan mempertimbangkan. Kepada saudaraku kaum muslimin, jangan pernah kalian diam bila mereka menghina, kita disini untuk membuat sebuah kesatuan yang kuat, bukan untuk merelakan agama dan harga diri di injak. Saya tidak akan menolak bila ada yang marah dengan kata-kata saya, saya akan siap menerima hal yang buruk dengan akun saya, bagi saya steemit bukan apa-apa dibandingkan harga diri agama islam.


( ENG...)
My faithful and faithful brother is Islam. On this occasion I am here greeting you all, we who have joined in this steemit know that the hostile infidel groups have begun to appear, they have shown the horns to attack our religion slowly.
Example @lexiconical in his post https://staging.busy.org/@lexiconical/uk-murder-27-in-2017-govt-determined-to-ruin-what-s-left-by-embracing-islam.
And @kongen in his post https://staging.busy.org/@kongen/firing-my-account-up-make-a-comment-and-get-account-views-here .

You believe it or not, it starts to happen. I want to warn, we in steemit do not want to be a licker and instead want to be rubbish as they say. By praising and harassing the infidels our faith aqidah little by little lost, they have set a strategy to destroy the belief of Muslims .. !! They are the true enemies of God ..! God will be angry if we defend, those who have been insulted, who have stabbed Islam with our words deserve to be angry, we deserve to hate, we must fight. O Muslims, not the steemit that determines our food, not the steemit that gives us treasure, but remember the God who determines everything. I joined steemit not to ask for food, but to strengthen my bond. Make peace. Build strength. Why now I just act ..? Because now you are a Gentile who wrath god has begun to insult and harass our religion .. you must understand ,, in fact islam does not do anything stupid, islam is not actually rape, islam does not kill if not in war .. !! You have to understand that. You have to recognize what Islam is like, Islam is not a beggar, they are not sycophants and they are not garbage. But doing something stupid is Islam masquerading as an intruder in your area, ISIS. They changed the true Islam ..! Then you have to know who the real Muslims are. Do not you ever take war, because you will not win and we will not lose, the real God will give us strength, that is God ... not the stupid god as you think. God is mute, god can not do anything, god can not move, which will help you for him alone can not do anything, god who is nobody but dumb objects die. So if you fight igin, we are ready, if you want peace, we will consider it. To my Muslim brothers, do not be silent if they are insulting, we are here to make strong unity, not to let go of religion and pride in stepping. I will not refuse if someone is angry with my words, I will be prepared to accept bad things with my account, for me steemit is nothing compared to the pride of Islam.


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Ka lom...kalaen lom...bek kajak rayu long,, ken pah that pikiran kuh...kajak kah2 ju beu gadeh keuh...!!!!!

Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫
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Ikah yok hana kabaca2 puatra kuntuleh...gadoh ngen trasfer nyo trasfer jeh..kajak blah dro keudeh..! Hana katuri tingeh-tingeh beungeh teuh..! Kajak leeh...!!😬

Tingeh punoh wat nyo..bek that ka mayang...abeeh keuh..kajakju bek lee deuh keuh....

if you speak inglich

Oo lee that permintaan.hana meu teumeung urusan..!!! Bek lee kajak tameng2 keuno..!!!

I am using Translator.google because you do not understand Danish. But i can write English also, maybe you understand English ?
here is the rest....

Muhun, hayu wae euy janten ucapan rusuh pikeun ayeuna! Na kuring miharep urang keur babaturan na anjeun wilujeng sumping nuturkeun profil abdi tur gabung sawala nu salami anjeun hormat silih tur ulah datangna kalawan tuduhan gagabah atanapi retorika telenges!

Masihan silaturahim kasempetan, mangka anjeun pisan lucu!

cinta salam

in English...
Hi my brother!
I really hope you understand this!
I have not begun blaming all Islam or Muslims worldwide, for anything.
I mention what is happening here in our country, Denmark. I only mention what I know about. And I actually failed to write more about this because there are a lot of users who take it out of context and do not understand that I mention Islam only because the people like this are in Germany, Denmark and Sweden, not least because they themselves term themselves as Islamists.
I can also just call them by other names, it's their misgivings that concern us. It is the corruption in our countries that worries us.
We do not have any hatred for Muslims all over the world. I certainly do not!
Then include it in your posts here at Steemit.com!

In future, I will also use other terms for these foreigners. Because I also think it is disrespectful and disgraceful that they take Islam as a hostage in their lives when there are billions of goodhearted and peaceful and loving, loving Muslims all over the world. Which actually fights an incredibly hard struggle for just living a fair amount of life.
I myself have been to both Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania in Africa, so I know a lot about the world. Our Everybody's World.

Well, just let it be a good greeting for now! And I hope we are friends and you are welcome to follow my profile and participate in the discussion as long as you respect each other and do not come with ruthless accusations or violent rhetoric!

Give friendship a chance, you're very sweet!


about your post that we have considered, you have apologized to the Muslims, we appreciate it ..! I speak also based on the incident, we in steemit not just want to make a profit, but want to make a brotherhood ..! we will appreciate if you want to learn how true Islam ..!

I am just explaining to you, that you should not downvote me for mentioning islamists or islam in itself.. We have freedom in this World. We are free to write what we want, to a certain extent while it is for good and not for evil!
So, the people who downvote me for writing about terrorism are just basically really, really stupid, brainwashed or plain evil themselves.. Thanks for understanding!
And we are already one big brother and sisterhood. Its called Planet Earth. We dont need Islam for anything.. Okay? You understand? I hope!

Hello adi kuring!
Nyaan mudahan nu ngartos ieu!
Kuring teu acan dimimitian pikeun ngalepatkeun sakabeh Islam atawa muslim di sakuliah dunya, pikeun nanaon.
Kuring nyebut naon kajadian di dieu di nagara urang, Dénmark. Kuring ukur nyebut eta kuring nyaho nanaon tentang. Na kuring sabenerna nulis ngeunaan ieu kusabab aya loba pamaké anu nyandak eta kaluar tina konteks na teu ngarti yen kuring ngan nyebut Islam, sabab jelema anu ieu ngeunaan, di Jerman, Dénmark jeung Swédia, teu saeutik sabab nyebut dirina Islamists.
Kuring ngan bisa nyebut maranehna ku ngaran sejen, éta amal maranéhna yén perhatian urang. Éta korupsi di nagara urang anu jadi perhatian urang.
Urang Harbour euweuh hatred pikeun muslim di sakuliah dunya. I do pasti moal!
Kitu nyandak eta dina tulisan anjeun didieu on Steemit.com!

Kuring baris neruskeun migunakeun ngaran séjén pikeun asing ieu. Kusabab Jigana malah éta cucungah jeung mocking yén maranéhna nyandak Islam salaku disandera dina kahirupan maranéhanana lamun aya milyaran alus-hearted, damai tur asih, muslim alam-asih di sakuliah dunya. Kanyataanna, pajoang perang pisan tangguh ngan mun cicing a cukup hirup.
Kuring sorangan geus di duanana Étiopia, maenya jeung kamekaran di Afrika, jadi kuring nyaho sabenerna bagian tina dunya. Sadaya-Amérika Dunya.

Saya siap untuk jihat di steemit.

Kita tidak lagi harus menyembunyikan identitas..!!!

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