UFO Spotted? Burst of Light Flashes Across Phoenix Sky (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

in #steemit7 years ago

A streak of light that lit up the Phoenix night sky was caught on camera around 8:30 p.m. local time Tuesday night, and observers quickly took to Twitter to speculate about aliens or as for “rational” explanations.
The strange bright bursts showed up a few days before the mid-November Leonid meteor shower is expected to take place, suggesting that the fireball is more likely to be a meteor than an alien spacecraft or military test vehicle.

The fireball was seen across the American Southwest. "The American Meteor Society (AMS) received 85 reports so far about this event that occurred over Arizona. We didn't receive reports only from Arizona but also from California, Nevada, Utah and New Mexico. This event has been caught on at least two dash cams shared via the AMS Fireball report," the organization wrote on their website.

"The Leonid meteor shower is active in November, and is expected to peak later this week. It's not clear whether this flash was related to that meteor shower," Arizona 12 news reported.

The Leonids are named as such because they radiate constellation Leo, the Lion. Some of the most stunning meteor showers ever witnessed have been Leonids.

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Fireballs continue to increase in number!

November "Rain"

This has been getting a great deal of attention in the news !

Who knows, fireball or fleet. I suppose the two aren't as mutually exclusive terms as one would think.

I love a good UFO sighting (and meteor sightings), this is by far my favourite:

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