Steemit: Cake or Crypto? The race to a $100,000 weekly payout is on!

in #steemit7 years ago

A 10% percent slice of the rewards pool is currently heading out to just 2 accounts.

Will they make it to one hundred thousand dollars weekly payout between them?

Is this proof that you can have your cake and eat?


In seven days time, approximately sixty-seven thousand dollars worth of Steem Based Dollars will have been paid out to the two accounts below.


This is a phenomenal sum which is has been amplified greatly by the surge in price of the once 'pegged' Steem Based Dollar.

The tags 'food' and 'cryptocurrency' are never too far away from each other amongst the list of the most popular tags on Steemit, and this week they are stand out performers thanks to 'Allas' recipes and 'Haejin's trading charts.

Personally, I like to check charts out while eating cake...

This past week they have been kicking out those cakes and golden chalices like crazy you know?

Alla has 58 posts in the oven, while @haejin is even more prolific in the crypto kitchen with 73. Prolific!

Other social media sites show they have amassed a number of followers, who you would assume have made their way over to Steemit.

@allasyummyfood has almost eighteen thousand fans on twitter and Instagram combined, while @haejin has a rapidly growing ten thousand plus on Twitter.


Excuse me for a moment while I enjoy this wonderful piece of cake and check out a BTC-USD 3-3-5 wave ....

OK i'm back. Bitcoin crashed but it's all good because the cake was freaking awesome.

Thanks Alla and Haejin, keep on promoting and attracting new users to Steemit. But hey, leave a piece of the pie for us will ya?!


Asher @abh12345


lol well thanks for mentioning me, but im not quite sure where you got those figures of 100,000 k? if i made that every week , i would be a millionaire by now! but thanks!!! :D these numbers also are 30 % of what you actually get! so thats 1oo,00 k in 2 years ive been on a platform! lol but yeah its still great!

Hi Alla :)

The 100k is just in the title, 'a race to 100k' - If SBDs went to $20, you and @haejin together could reach that total in 1 week ;)

I use this site:

You have 56 posts waiting to be paid out, worth a total of 1914 SBSs. This number is with curation deducted, but I think dtube take 5% too, so you can knock 100 SBDs off.

I see you are moving all your liquid rewards to bittrex. If you do this for the next 7 days, you will be sending around 1800 SBDs, currently worth $10.5 each.


Wow, that is quiet a sum. I would also indeed love a slice. thanks have my milk ready :-) lol
blessings to all.

mmmm milk n crypto with a slice of cake - sounds good to me!

so, i've heard controversy about his... how are they getting all the dough, delegation, or what's the deal? sorry, i'm always behind with the tech aspects

They are v/blogging like mad and getting some good whale support!

This is such a school of being nice to get some pennies as vote up... whales will soon get 500 dollar rewards for posting the phonebook

ya know, people that are in early tend to win out... that's part of the risk reward too

Yes, the big world in a nutshell

Well said brotha!

Crazy numbers or what!

Yeah for a weeks work, damn...

sorry bro but my mind is blown away the next billionaires in making

Yep 2018 will make some accounts worth millions!

Wow some Korean support for the cute man there how did he even manage the dollars flowing in?

Check out his blogs @haejin, apparently they've made a few people rich :)

Hahahaha well I like rich guys it's good to be back

Don't worry @abh12345,

The pie will keep growing has we mine steem through our post.😁😁

Wao! Am pretty sure that the generation of this guys can never forget seemit. I don't mind a crypto slice

I hope you have room for 2 slices :D

hahahaha.... am honoured @abh12345
Thanks big time

Thank you for posting @abh12345
Its amazing news. Most of new steemians inspired by your post.

steemit has changed their life OMG

You are not wrong there @cutiepie!

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