What I've Learned On SteemIt So Far, My Humble List of SteemIt DO's and DON'T's (confessions of a barefoot poet)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

After being here 9 days, I've learned some stuff that I thought I'd share...not sure if this is a complete list of what I've learned, but comment if I left things out!

The biggest thing I have learned is, this is a social media site like no other...but it is a social media site first and a way to reward authors and curators second.  

So enjoy yourself!!

Here's My DO's and DON'T's List, much of which I learned the HARD WAY! 

  • If you are leaving because you're not making money...or feel like @ned or @dan or whoever else is not noticing you, it's time to re-evaluate things.  Would you leave Facebook if 'ol Markypoo (Mark Zuckerberg) didn't thumbs up your post?  Or would you leave Instagram if you weren't making money when you shared your images?  Instead re-evaluate why you're here and maybe start treating this like a social media site instead of a job...enjoy yourself and share that shit, and others will enjoy it too, and maybe you get some rewards, maybe not, but be here!  We love you!  We want to see and know YOU, not a forced money-making approach or job-like-induced article...and we want you to know us.  Remember, Social...with some pretty damn cool perks.
  • DON'T theme all your posts around whales or steemit just to get attention or try to make money, it's contrived and obvious and sort of cringy at times...my 27,000 followers are mostly teenagers and I want them to feel excited about coming here, not cringed!! LOL
  • Don't go crazy on posting right away!  I did, because I didn't know any better and wanted to test different post formats and types.  Like any social media site, nobody wants spam here.  Don't post more than 2 times per day, and shoot for 1 time.
  • DO be consistent with your posting.  As we each build followings, etc, and as you find your niche here, people will expect stuff from you according to the "schedule" you decide.  The best way to be successful as a social media author is to be consistent and predictable.  Even unpredictable authors/publishers on social media are predictable..."they are always so kooky" for example.  And if you want to post every day, do it at the same time, create a consistent method.  
  • DON'T post for the whales, post what you are passionate about, that's what the whales and everyone else here will like anyway
  • DO join the chat!  Go to steemit.chat and join in!  I recommend using the same name there as you do here, so people know who you are and can easily find your blog from chat.  Don't just go and promote.  Go and talk, and BS, and have fun.  I follow people who are people. :)
  • DON'T chat @all (even though I find it entertaining)...but for real, you'll get banned and it's super rude.  Never put @all in your chat typing screen and hit enter, NEVER.
  • DON'T DM links to strangers asking them to read your posts.
  • DON'T message whales your link, I did it as a noob and while I was drunk, and it was stupid, not me, and rude.
  • DON'T DRUNK POST!!!  (I've also done this, I got some hate)
  • DO drink and chat, it's funny and everyone there will be forgiving...unless you are inappropriately hateful or something, then we will destroy you!
  • REMEMBER: your posts stay FOREVER...think about that LOL
  • DON'T call BS on someone's post, do your research, then bring that to the attention of the abuse team (I've also made this mistake, while drunk, and I went back and edited the comments...but never again will I do that)
  • DON'T flag if you disagree...disagree is no action, flag is you saw something actually wrong that needs to be flagged...again, I learned the hard way
  • DO flag if there is truly something really bad that you believe needs attention, then comment and explain your flag.
  • DON'T vote everything recklessly
  • DO vote with your heart!  Read the article first!!  Don't just vote to get a vote!
  • DON'T comment super long comments recklessly
  • DON'T promote your link desperately
  • DO have fun promoting it!
  • DO read the rules in the chat room!!!
  • DO leave rewarded Steem Dollars in your wallet...they earn 10% in 30 days!!  Nooice :)
  • DON'T argue with someone who won't listen, you'll lose focus, just focus on creating and curating and having fun
  • DO report abusive behavior, but then, MOVE ON
  • DON'T post other peoples work as your own...that's plagiarism..and give credit where it's due.
  • DON'T try so hard with images and gifs...if you have fun doing all that, awesome, but don't waste time trying to get more money by forcing it
  • REMEMBER: SteemIt is in Beta, from a development AND a concept perspective both...So everybody relax and have some friggin fun :)

Super good to be a part of this place, again thanks to the founders and all of you who make this place possible, enjoyable and enriching.


Thank you for taking the time to put this post together.
I really like it and love your intention.

As a newbie to SteemIt, I extend a BIG thanks to your insight and input. I don't know how to use FaceBook, I don't 'TWEET'.... and I am learning from the ground up on this platform. Thank you for your guidance and I will follow you as you ''grow' .... now i have to learn how to get into the chat room ... and make FRIENDS... like-minded people. Gichi Miigwech

I enjoyed the honesty of this post. Did a lot of the mistakes involve alcohol then? ;D
Dont' drink and Steemit is what I'm taking away from this! Always a pleasure to read your work.

Some good points thanks. I might start a thought for the day or something, because it's on the blockchain it could be a sort of diary. Maybe? Sorry thinking out loud.

Just for the record, not drunk!

Great post! Great chatting with you.

Thanks for sharing your experience! It's all about fun!