Zap! Zap! Zaaaap! [Sam and Ficus] Comic Strip
Ficus was playing outside when he encountered a hornets nest. He didn't know that they just moved in close to his tire swing, taking over that area. The hornet was a little antsy and decided to run Ficus away. He ran him all the way into the house stinging him over and over.
Sam decided to run the hornet away but the little sucker was more than any one can handle. So he grabbed the bug zapper... Zzz! Zap! Zap! Done!
Design process.
Flat Colors
Animated Process
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Thank you very much! @artzone
Congratulations! Your work was featured on our Day 5 of Week 5 of highlighting deserving artists on this community.
Week 5, Day 5 ~ @crittercrats.
Wow! Thank you very much! @eye4art
Awesome strip! I know the feeling: hornet, meet boot!
Hehehe! Yup! Thank you very much like always! @corpsvalues
Thank you very much! @lildebbiecakes