So who fixed the image rendering issue anyway? What was the problem? Did the v.92 bis modem break?

in #steemit-issues8 years ago (edited)

Today talk about image rendering on Steemit being broken was hot and heavy. Here's just one example of the many posts hitting most user's feeds. It was validating to know it wasn't just on my end. It wasn't my browser or my ISP. It wasn't my router or the image server(s) in question.

It wasn't a flashback to using AOL on dial-up in my college days. God, I should have been dropping LSD. That would have been better for my health than that mess!

So who's awaiting an official explanation of what was broken? There was talk that any images under 31.75 kilobytes would render fine but larger images broke after surpassing that amount. I'm sure I could dust off a collection of animated GIFs from 1996 that would have served fine.

Outside of that we need bandwidth!

If you're wondering about Steemit's security or centralized nature of the web portal you've been instructed to place your head into a metal pail and yodel. It will garner better answers than you'll receive from up top.

Tongue firmly-in-cheek,

The Everyday Geek on Steemit
Image credit


You know what's crazy? I had saved the same picture on my computer ready to make a yodel meme of it. Decided I was tired and deleted it LOL. Crazy you pulled the exact same image.

Great minds, right? lol

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