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RE: Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 10: Wild and Sweet White Desserts

If it makes you feel any better ... in Vancouver we have what seems a copious supply in the summer. Perhaps we have already banned the pesticide ... I am not sure. But we have turned a lot of our city green areas over to keeping bees and even a local hotel keeps an apiary. Little honey bees and big fluffy bumbles too. We love our bees.


The U.S. has been so slow on banning the neonicitinoids. I do like the bees. Especially the native bumblebees.

They are the cutest ... the rhododendron garden in Stanley Park gets a lot ... they are so drunk on nectar they will just bumped into you as they clumsily fly about. No stinging though:)

That's a funny image of the stumbling bumbles! : )

They were doing just that ... bumping around.

haha -- quite the image!

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