Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #09: Banana Dessert Plate

Week 9 of Steemit Iron Chef. Whoa, already? For this week, we have banana as the star of the show!

The inspiration for my banana entry is something I enjoy whenever I'm in Paris: Crêpe Nutella-Banane. @progressivechef reminds us to elevate the dish so here's my attempt. I employed some molecular gastronomy techniques as I thought they are perfect for this plated dish.


From left to right: One-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream, Deconstructed Crêpe Nutella-Banane, Crustless Banana Cheesecake Topped with Fried Banana and Banana Gelée Topped with Pulverized Nutella


Let's break it down ...

One-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream


The one-ingredient banana ice cream is simply banana chunks that are frozen then put through a food processor until it gets creamy. Note that it will be chunky before it gets creamy, but be patient and keep going. I promise it will transform to a creamy mass. It's so delicious just by itself!

I garnished the ice cream with a caramelized hazelnut as Nutella is made of hazelnuts.


Deconstructed Crêpe Nutella-Banane

Spread crêpe batter on preheated crêpe maker.


Flip to cook the other side.


Crêpe is ready. Set aside.


Using an apple corer, I extracted a long piece of log from a banana.


The banana log was rolled into a cut-out piece of crêpe, the same width of the banana log.


It is then wrapped with a small strip of banana leaf and tied with a piece of twine. I finished this part of the composition by strategically putting a dollop of nutella on the side, completing the Deconstructed Crêpe Nutella-Banane.


Crustless Banana Cheesecake Topped with Fried Banana

The ingredients for the crustless banana cheesecake


Fry a slice of banana until it caramelizes. Top a banana cheesecake round with the fried banana.


Garnish with a hazelnut, again because Nutella is made of hazelnuts and therefore it rounds up this dish nicely.


Banana Gelée

Combine the ingredients for the banana gelée and cook until it boils. Chill for 4 hours or overnight.


Cut into desired shape for plating.


Pulverized Nutella


Combine nutella and tapioca maltodextrin to transform nutella into powder.


Top banana gelée with pulverized nutella.


Here's my blurry proof photo for Week 9 of Steemit Iron Chef.



One-Ingredient Banana Ice Cream


4 bananas


Cut up banana. Freeze for at least 4 hours. Put frozen pieces in a food processor. Run food processor until banana is creamy. It will get chunky first then will transform to a creamy texture. Serve immediately for a soft ice cream or freeze for a firmer texture.



4 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoons sugar
4 tablespoons butter, melted


Whisk eggs and flour in a bowl. Add milk and water gradually, stirring until well-combined and smooth. Add salt, sugar and butter. Continue to beat until batter is smooth.

Heat crêpe pan or crêpe maker to medium high. Pour 1/2 cup of batter and immediately spread to form the crêpe. Cook until golden brown, approximately 1 - 2 minutes, then flip to cook the other side. Repeat with remaining batter.

Crustless Banana Cheesecake


2 medium ripe banana
16 oz ricotta cheese
2 eggs


Preheat oven to 375oF. Grease baking pan.

Mash the banana in a mixing bowl. Add ricotta and eggs and mix until well combined. Pour mixture into greased pan.

Bake for an hour or until mixture is set.

Banana Gelée


4 medium ripe banana
4 teaspoons sugar
1 1/3 cup milk
4 grams agar-agar


Mash the bananas or purée in food processor. Transfer to a small pan. Add remain ingredients and bring to a boil, whisking continuously. Pour into molds and chill for at least 4 hours.

Pulverized Nutella


20 grams Nutella
8 grams tapioca maltodextrin


Mix ingredients together until well-combined. It will take about 2 minutes of mixing before it reaches a nice powder stage. If too dry, add a small amount of Nutella and if too moist, add more tapioca maltodextrin.


Bon Appetit!

If you haven't yet, come join @progressivechef's Steemit Iron Chef and be part of the fun!


it looks amazing, only too bad you used that toxic shit "nutella" instead of a real dark chocolate :)

you never fail to bring an amazing dish to this challenge! I love the mini banana cheesecake and the combination of hazelnut and banana - your dish is incredible, as usual!

Thanks so much! It was a fun and delicious plate. I would say my favorite is the banana ice cream and the fried banana. Talk about transforming and elevating something (I can hear @progressivechef =D) -- that banana was transformed into ice cream without any other ingredients. It tastes like ice cream and it's hard to believe it's not mixed with cream, sugar and other ingredients.

Fried banana -- always delicious!

Loving your dish ! A real showstopper of a plate !

Thank you so much!!!


Another home run dish! This is a very elegant version of Crêpe Nutella-Banane. The crepe rollup is very nice and I love the Nutella powder!

Thank you! I love the nutella powder too!

Another beautiful piece of artwork. Congrats ;0


Thanks so much!

That's such an artistic plate! I like the one-ingredient banana ice cream, for sure! Which was your favorite on your plate?

Thank you for your kind words!

Me too, I vote for the banana ice cream. Truly one ingredient. So delicious and naturally sweet. The transformation is quite remarkable. It feels like cream and sugar were added but no, none of those!

I also love the fried banana. When it caramelizes, it coats the banana with a nice crispy texture. Yummy!

Just found the winner!

Ha ... thank you!

You never cease to amaze me @offoodandart. What amazing ideas you have and how beautifully you present your dishes. You are a true winner

Thanks so much @pandamama! You always make me feel food about my entries!

Looking forward to seeing your potato entry @offoodandart - just posted mine

Finally posted too!

Once again, another extremely impressive entry from you @offoodandart. So impressed by your molecular gatsro techniques. I really want to get into it, but I can't fine the right apparatus in this part of China. I'm actually going to an MG restaurant in Shanghai next week so may ask them for some tips!

Yay! I hope you enjoy your experience at the MG restaurant and gain more knowledge on molecular gastronomy. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to learn more about it. I'd be happy to share what I know. I'm sure I have a lot to learn from you too.

Beautiful entry as usual my friend! Thanks so much for sharing your tips on molecular cuisine, I am sure this will inspire many!
Banana and nutella works perfectly..and with that touch of hazelnut...simply heavenly!

Thanks so much! Your SIC pushes me to learn and create. It takes me a while to get my plan together and a lot of it comes at the last minute, close to plating.

Will incorporate more molecular gastronomy in my next entry as well. I find it fun. I'm hoping I can post tomorrow.

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