Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #14:MushyPoshy Soup with crispbread

MushyPoshy Soup with crispbreadIMG_8471.JPG
My take on this weeks theme consists of 4 elements
**1.Creamy mixed Mushroom soup with Jerusalem Artichokes
extra virgin Olive oil
Cayenne Pepper
whited muchrooms
brown mushrooms
portobello mushrooms
enoke mushrooms
sear garlic,shallots and mushrooms in butter
until tender
boil Jerusalem Artichokes
drain water from Jerusalem Artichokes and mix add a bit of the water (reserve the rest )
blend until smooth( adding double cream and more water until you reach a good thick consistency
keep heated
2. Mushroom fry up
all the same mush rooms + shitake... fried up in garlic, shallots, butter and oliveoilIMG_8422.JPG
seperate in two parts ... one soup topping and one for the crispbread....
Oatmeal flakes
fried mushrooms
pumpkin seed
roasted almond flakes
add water and thicken...
add fried mushrooms
add pumpkin seeds and almond flakes... season eith salt and pepper
mix well
place on baking tray
spread it out thinly
and bake at 170 degees in the oven for 20-45 minutes
4.Parsley Garlic oil
ekstra virgine olive oil
sesame oil
season to taste with salt and pepper
blend it to a fine oil
place Enoke raw on your plate(I placed the in a circle ring ...onto the plate
soup it up ....
decorate with friends mushrooms and parsley
et voila .... your plate ...
And the all important Steemit .. iron chef.... proof pic
Nomnom all that I can say I was very happy with the result ! The Jerusalem Artichokes were a perfect flavor with the mixed mushrooms ... it was Umami Overload....
The soup was velvety , yet light and fluffy ...
So happy to be a part of Steemit-Ironchef ... and enjoying my weekly culinary challenge and of course discovering the awesome dishes of my cocontestants !
Check out the awesome @steemit-ironchef this is a great cooking challenge arranged by @progressivechef also please check out the tag #steemit-ironchef to see all the awesome entries from all the talented cooks that have joined this challenge and get inspiration from their wonderful dishes !


I admire that you used jerusalem artichokes, they normally freak me out!

I love them...especially in soups ...the nutty flavor is so good and right now they are in season here so they are so nutty and full of flavor ... also great for mashes, sauces and baked veggies just to add an extra touch ...

Such beautiful presentation by the way :-)

Thank you ! I am happy to hear that !

Yum! And I love the way you made the enoki stand up.

Thank you so much ... it was the easiest way with that little ring hihi ...

Looks yummy, Maria :)

Thank you so much ... it was really yummie I enjoyed it a lot ...

Wery nice plate like the way you plate brava

Thank you so much, I am happy to hear that ... I try to make an effort with the plating, but soetimes I think it turns out a bit clumsy compared to what I had envisioned hehe

That's beautiful! I like how you did not skimp on the mushrooms! And how nice to include Jerusalem artichokes, too. I like how their earthy flavor goes so well with mushrooms. They are so under-appreciated, just like mushrooms! ; )

Yes I think so ... Jerusalem Artichokes and their flavor is just a beautiful addition to so any dishes ... I guess the main obstacle is that people dont like peeling them lol ... but the taste is so worth it !

Getting hungry looking at all the lovely mushroom entries. Miss them so much here. Good luck!

You don't have them where you live ? What a bummer ....sad face...

I know... a big bummer indeed. Only one variety to be found on the markets here but they taste like crap.

Whoa, your mushroom entry looks beautiful, delicious and unique! It shows the artist in you. Who would've thought to present it this way? Compliments to the chef and artist! Amazing!

Thank you so much, I and so happy to hear that !

What a fun idea lo let the mushrooms grow on this little island in your soup lake. It also sounds yummylicious!

Thank you so much , I thought so too hihi !

The mushroom theme really very well elevated my friend! Your mushroom soup looks simply mouthwatering!

Believe me when I say was ! hehe and the crisp bread was cracking too !

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