Steemit Iron Chef 2017 # 15: Well, very tasty onion pie

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago (edited)



  • Butter 250 Grams

  • Flour 280 Grams

  • Sour cream 8 spoons

  • Soda1 Teaspoon+Vinegar1 Teaspoon

  • cheese

  • Onion 6 Pieces

  • Eggs5 Pieces

  • Salt and pepper To taste

  • In a large bowl, pour out all the flour, a piece of butter (from the freezer) rub on a large grater. In the bowl, you rub your hands again
  • In the center, make a small groove and pour sour cream, add soda, slaked with vinegar, salt, mix.
  • Knead the dough, knead it for about two minutes, so that it is formed in a com. Wrap the dough in a food film and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, or better at night.
  • For the filling: peel the onion and cut it into thin half rings, then fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil until soft.
  • To a soft onion in a frying pan add a little salt and black pepper, fry another couple of minutes and transfer to a bowl. Immediately add crushed cheese on a large grater and mix.
  • Eggs stir with a fork and add frozen greens.
  • Slightly cool the mass from the frying pan and only then pour in the eggs, mix.
  • Dough you get from the refrigerator and divide into 2 parts (one more than the other). Most of the roll out roughly in the form in which you will bake. Form lubricate with vegetable oil and spread the dough, form the edges

  • Spread the onions and distribute the entire shape, set the shape aside.

  • The second part of the dough roll and lay on top of the mold, snap the edges well, squeeze a little.

  • Bake cake in a preheated to 160-170 degrees oven for about 20-25 minutes, a couple of minutes before the meal, grease the pie with a beaten egg. Pie cold


Good luck with the contest, in my particular opinion, it looks like extrange because we are thinking in pie sweety and i think it whit onions is for me sounds extrange.
Best regard @galberto

Ready mi upvoted are here sorry i do not know why i could do it.
But is here.
Best regard @galberto
My system fail 30 minutes ago.

You need to remember to get the proof pic in as well

I also cook such a pie. He is very tasty.

Я теж такий пиріг випікаю. Він дуже смачний і ситний. Успіху у конкурсі.

Accidentally stumbled on a video on the Internet and either you are Olga Matveyev or you stole someone else's work and want to participate with it in the competition. For this I can put a flag! If you are Olga Matveyev, then I apologize. But you did not comply with the rules and you do not have a photo with your name next to the dish.

Випадково натрапила на відео в інтернеті і або ви Ольга Матвіїв або ви вкрали чужу працю і хочете з цим брати участь у конкурсі. За таке можу поставити прапорець ! Якщо ви Ольга Матвіїв, то прошу вибачення. Але ви не виконали пункту правил і у вас немає фото з вашим іменем поруч зі стравою.

@shady, у вас тоже нет фотографии с вашим именем рядом с блюдом.
Я тоже могу поставить вам флаг.

ні ми не зрозуміли один одного, бо участі у конкурсі я не беру. І погрожувати мені не треба. Кожного разу як я брала участь у конкурсах, завжди поруч були фото з надписами. І фотки в мене завжди мої. Мені тут абсолютно нічого боятись.

хорошо я вас поняла.

I want to eat!

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